Recreating educational spaces: spaces for relationships that educate as well as learn




educational architecture, educational spaces, educational relationships, educational community, participatory process, marianist school, active methodologies, adaptation to change


Introduction: This article examines whether architecture can foster the relationships that facilitate learning in an educational community, arguing that architecture educates and learns by adapting to the needs of students and teachers with a pedagogical approach. Methodology: The research uses a case study of Marianist educational architecture, which is based on relational. Both new projects and interventions in existing buildings and extensions, adapted to the different ways of learning from students, are analysed. Results: The analysis shows that focusing architectural decisions on students' relationship with the educational community has a positive and decisive impact. The versatility of the spaces reflects an adaptation to change, based on reflection by the whole educational community. Discussion: The intentional decisions about the design of spaces, translated by specialized architects, foster relationships that educate, encouraging the active and critical participation of students in the community. Conclusions: Educational architecture, when focused on relational issues, fosters an environment that not only facilitates learning but also prepares students to actively participate in social change.


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Author Biography

María Guillem González-Blanch, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

PhD in Architecture with international recognition from ETSAM, Polytechnic University of Madrid (2013) and Master's Degree in Teacher Training (2014). Professor of the Department of Architectural Graphic Ideation at ETSAM UPM in Bachelor's and Master's subjects (since 2018). She combines her professional activity as an architect with research and teaching related mainly to drawing, architectural and urban heritage and educational architecture. She is part of the research group "Analysis and Intervention in Architectural Heritage" (AIPA-UPM) and the research group "Educational Change for Social Justice" (GICE - UAM). Professor of the UEM Teacher Training Master (2014-2019) and of the analogous UPM at present. Member of the School of Education in Architecture IUCE-UAM.


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How to Cite

Guillem González-Blanch, M. (2024). Recreating educational spaces: spaces for relationships that educate as well as learn. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–21.



Research articles