Incidence of organizational communication strategies on the financial performance of savings and credit cooperatives in Ecuador and Argentina




Organizational communication, Communication strategies, Internal communication, External communication, Organizational development, Financial performance, Operating efficiency, Savings and credit cooperatives


Introduction: communication strategies are essential for organizational development and financial growth, especially in cooperatives, as they improve strategic management, operational efficiency and coordination, optimizing costs and productivity. Therefore, a comparative study of the organizational communication strategies used by savings and credit cooperatives in Ecuador and Argentina was developed, evaluating the impact of these strategies on their financial performance. Methodology: a qualitative and descriptive approach was used, conducting in-depth interviews with six cooperative managers, 3 in each country, and applying the methodological triangulation technique.. Results: both in Ecuador and Argentina, a variety of adaptive approaches were evident that seek to consolidate and strengthen their communication strategies, however, deficiencies are presented at an internal and external level that denotes the importance of flexibility in communication to respond effectively to the dynamics of the environment. Conclusions: Despite the communication strategies implemented by this type of companies in Ecuador and Argentina, the need to adapt communication strategies to the socioeconomic and cultural particularities of each country is highlighted to maximize their impact and promote organizational performance and growth.


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Author Biographies

Jorge Manuel Coca Benítez, University of Guayaquil

Commercial Engineer with a specialization in Finance from the University of Guayaquil in 2003, he later studied at the Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral ESPOL obtaining two Diplomas, one in Public Accounting and Finance and another in Business Administration in 2005. He immediately undertook studies with the Higher Diploma in Finance and Specialist in Banking and Finance in 2011, then the Master in Banking and Finance Administration at the University San Francisco de Quito in 2015. Graduated with a PhD in Economics from the University UNCUYO, Mendoza Argentina, he has served in various management positions as Chief Financial Officer, Risk Manager, as well as University Professor of Undergraduate and Postgraduate with 17 years of experience.

Dolores del Rocío Ortiz-Guevara , University of Guayaquil

Nationality: Ecuadorian. Certified Public Accountant. Diploma in Marketing. Specialisation in International Financial Reporting Standards. Master in Business Administration. Graduate of the Phd. in Economics, mention in Administration. Research professor of the Finance Degree at the University of Guayaquil.

Félix Stalin Rosales Quiñónez, University of Guayaquil

Commercial Engineer, Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and Master in Business Administration (University of Guayaquil). Higher Diploma in University Teaching from the University of Guayaquil. Currently pursuing a Doctorate in Business Administration at the Catholic University of New Spain (UCNE) in Miami. Currently, Professor at the University of Guayaquil, with more than 15 years of experience as Tutor and Reviewer of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Thesis, I have participated as a Member of the Tribunal of Submission, currently Research Professor. Research manager and professor of IFRS in the Bachelor's Degree in Finance of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences of the University of Guayaquil.


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How to Cite

Coca Benítez, J. M., Ortiz-Guevara , D. del R., & Rosales Quiñónez, F. S. (2024). Incidence of organizational communication strategies on the financial performance of savings and credit cooperatives in Ecuador and Argentina. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–21.



Humanism and Social Sciences