Positive Discipline as an Educational Alternative in the Process of Learning Social Skills.





positive discipline, emotional intelligence, social skills, frustration, early childhood education, assertiveness, resilience, empathy


Introduction: An intervention program based on Positive Discipline is presented for families with children aged 3 to 6 years, helping to promote educational synergy between family and school, and providing strategies to improve child behavior and the socio-emotional development of children. Methodology: A comprehensive review of the literature on Positive Discipline was conducted, and a psychopedagogical program was designed that includes the development of social skills and emotional work, making families participate in the emotional states of children through assertiveness, frustration management, and active dialogue. Results: The program was implemented with volunteer families and its impact on family relationships and child behavior was evaluated through questionnaires, interviews, and direct observations. Discussion: The intervention was shown to be effective in improving family relationships and the socio-emotional development of children. Parents acquired skills to manage child behavior in a respectful and affectionate manner, which contributed to better family dynamics. Conclusions: Positive Discipline and its respectful and affectionate approach strengthens family relationships and promotes the comprehensive development of children, preparing them to face social and emotional challenges effectively.

Keywords (ever 8 words): Positive Discipline; Emotional Intelligence; Social Skills; Frustration; Early Childhood Education; Assertiveness; Resilience; Empathy.


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Author Biography

Helena Pascual Ochando, Universidad Cardenal Herrera CEU

D. in Education, Diploma in Teaching and Degree in Pedagogy from the University of Granada, specializing in Didactics and School Organization. Throughout her academic career, she has received outstanding grants such as the Collaboration Grant from the Ministry of Education in the Department of Pedagogy and in the project to improve the degree of Pedagogy at the University of Granada. As a full time researcher in the Eurístikos group of the Pediatrics department, she has contributed to European projects such as Nutrimenthe, Evasyon and Preobe. In addition to her research work, she is the author of several academic publications. She has previous experience as a director and teacher in early childhood education and as a primary and secondary school teacher. She currently works as a full time professor at the Cardenal Herrera University, CEU, in Elche, Alicante, teaching in the Teacher Training Degrees of Early Childhood and Primary Education, as well as in the Master of Secondary Education.


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How to Cite

Pascual Ochando, H. (2024). Positive Discipline as an Educational Alternative in the Process of Learning Social Skills . European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–18. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-1594

