Interests aligning mechanisms and their effect on Argentinian university management, expert perceptions




University governance; Agency Theory; Corporate governance; Higher education; Higher education management; Education policy; Higher education policy; Academic management


Introduction: Multiple factors influence the success of organizations; in the case of universities, economic aspects, talents, meritocracy, and good management by the government are considered. Methodology: In this context, the main objective of this research is to analyze, from the perspective of experts, the implications of compensation and incentive systems in order to reflect on their influence on management. To this end, an exploratory and quantitative research was conducted, grounding its analysis in the opinions of academic experts who are part of the various councils that make up university governance, with special consideration given to the importance of co-governance in Argentina. Multiple techniques, including descriptive and inferential statistics, were used for data analysis. Results: The results identify the potential effectiveness of the studied variables as alignment mechanisms. Conclusions: Among the conclusions, it can be identified that a broad market of candidates for the position of rector has a positive effect on the management of current rectors.


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Author Biographies

Juan Antonio Castillo, Universidad del Alba

PhD in Business Administration, Master in Local Public Management and MBA - Executive Master in Business Administration. He is a specialist in Local e-Governance and Pedagogical Training. He is a researcher at the School of Business and Administration of the Miguel de Cervantes University in Chile. He works as a researcher and academic giving undergraduate and postgraduate courses in different universities in Argentina and Chile. In addition, he has attended and lectured at numerous national and international conferences and congresses. He is the author of several publications in different scientific journals on Governance, Local Governments, E-Government, Innovations in Organisational Management, Social Policies and Citizenship. In addition, he has held management positions in different organisations in both the public and private sectors.

Francisco Ganga Contreras, University of Tarapacá

PhD in Strategic Management and International Business, University of Seville, Spain. Professor, University of Tarapacá, Chile. Address: Universidad de Tarapacá, Department of Education, Faculty of Education and Humanities.

Patricio Javier Viancos-González, University of Tarapacá

PhD in Educational Policy and Management from the Universidad de Playa Ancha de Ciencias de la Educación. Public Administrator and Degree in Public Administration from the University of Valparaíso. He is currently a researcher at the University of Tarapacá, Chile. Member of the network of university governance researchers and IESED-Chile.

Wendolin Suárez-Amaya, Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana

PhD in Social Sciences with a specialisation in Management, Master's in Public Management, Bachelor's in Administration. Academic at the Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana (UTEM). Lecturer-Researcher at the University of Zulia (Venezuela). Lines of research: University governance, research management, human talent, gender studies. Scientific editor of the Journal of Academy of the Association of Universities of Peru (ASUP). Member of the editorial team of scientific journals of various refereed and indexed scientific journals. Facilitator of courses and workshops in the area of management and research projects. Advisor in journal management and scientific production. Guest lecturer for: Universidad del Bío Bío (Chile); Universidad de Tarapacá (Chile); Universidad de La Salle (Brazil). More than fifty publications in refereed and indexed scientific journals.


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How to Cite

Castillo, J. A., Ganga Contreras, F., Viancos-González, P. J., & Suárez-Amaya, W. (2024). Interests aligning mechanisms and their effect on Argentinian university management, expert perceptions. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–24.

