Innovation in Psychology and Teacher Education: Bases of a Constantly Evolving Adaptation




Educational psychology, Teaching innovation, Emotional wellbeing, Mindfulness, Educational assessment


This monograph explores how psychology applied to education drives teaching innovation in the face of the challenges of digitalization and globalization. It focuses on pedagogical adaptation to the psychological needs of students, emotional management in the classroom, and the use of emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence and collaborative platforms, to improve teaching. Positive psychology and mindfulness are highlighted as key tools to create learning environments that foster motivation, academic performance and emotional well-being of students and teachers. In addition, the evolution of educational assessment is analyzed, incorporating psychological and technological approaches for a more comprehensive measurement of academic progress. It also addresses teacher well-being, providing strategies for managing stress and promoting resilience. The monograph invites you to investigate how these innovations affect both teacher education and learning dynamics in various disciplines.


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Author Biographies

José Fernando Fernández Company, International University of La Rioja

D. in Philosophy and Humanities, Master in Music Therapy, Master in Teacher Training and Specialist in Psychotherapeutic Intervention. His musical training includes studies at the Royal Conservatory of Music of Madrid, Indiana University (USA) and Norges musikkhøgskole (NMH). For more than twenty years, he collaborated as a performer with the National Orchestra of Spain and other prestigious symphony orchestras such as those of Bilbao, Madrid and Melbourne.
He has been a speaker at numerous conferences and has taught in more than fifty teacher training courses, actively participating in both national and international academic events. He is a member of the research groups MEMOpro (UCM) and TEIMUS (UNIR), and has a wide range of publications, including book chapters and articles indexed in JCR and Scopus journals.
As a reviewer, he is a regular contributor to renowned journals such as Frontiers in Psychiatry, Child Care Health & Development, BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies European Public & Social Innovation Review (EPSIR), BMC Psychology, Revista Colombiana de Educación, Psychology of Music, Nursing Open and Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry. He is also editor of the Revista de Investigación en Musicoterapia (UAM) and the Revista de Musicoterapia Misostenido (UNIR).

Manuel José López Ruiz, University of Granada

He holds a PhD from the University of Granada (Developmental and Educational Psychology), a degree in Philosophy and Educational Sciences and a teaching degree with specializations in Primary Education, Therapeutic Pedagogy, Hearing and Language and Physical Education. He has postgraduate degrees related to Compulsory Education.
Career civil servant by the MEYFP. He has been teaching at different stages of the educational system since 1996. Since 2011, he belongs to the Department of Pedagogy in the Faculty of Education, Economics and Technology of Ceuta under the University of Granada.
He has participated as speaker in numerous courses, seminars, working groups, conferences, projects, etc. He has been president of the International Congress on Immigration, Interculturality and Coexistence. He has numerous publications of books, chapters and articles of scientific and informative character; in addition to having coordinated books on education and social communication.
Currently, he is Delegate of the Board of Teaching Staff of Ceuta, agent in the Education Forum (MEYFP), full member of the Institute of Ceuta Studies and the research group “Open Knowledge for Social Action” (HUM 840-UGR).
His lines of research are related to bilingualism, immigration, attention to diversity, teaching innovation, sport and health.

Óscar Gómez Jiménez, University of Valencia

Graduate in Primary Education from the UCLM, Master in Psychopedagogy from the University of Barcelona (UB) and PhD in Research in Humanities, Arts and Education from the UCLM. D. Professor at the International University of Valencia (VIU). He collaborates in teaching and research tasks related to teacher training in inclusive education and educational legislation with the University Center of Education ESCUNI, Camilo José Cela University and UNIE University. She has several publications in scientific journals, collective books and contributions in national and international congresses. His lines of research focus on the attention to students with specific educational support needs, attention to diversity, educational inclusion, as well as educational legislation, rural schools and new technologies applied to education.


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How to Cite

Fernández Company, J. F., López Ruiz, M. J., & Gómez Jiménez, Óscar. (2024). Innovation in Psychology and Teacher Education: Bases of a Constantly Evolving Adaptation. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9.

