Entrepreneurship in relation to research, training and linkage, in compliance with university social responsibility


  • July Maricela Alvarado-Morán Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena (UPSE)
  • Mónica María Molina-Barzola Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador image/svg+xml
  • Tatiana Tapia-Bastidas Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador image/svg+xml




entrepreneurship, scientific spirit, investigation, connection with society, training process, university social responsibility, sustainable development, ; integration, society


Introduction: In the area of communication, the interrelation between entrepreneurship, research and university social responsibility is explored and analyzed in the context of the 21st century, highlighting the importance of comprehensive training that promotes innovation and sustainable development in communities. Objectives: Raise arguments about the prominence that entrepreneurial training currently takes in higher education, driven by the need to develop professionals capable of facing the challenges of the current century. Methodology: Through a qualitative approach and the review of recent literature, the importance of integrating research with projects that address social problems is highlighted, thus promoting innovation and positive impact on communities. Results: It is emphasized that the entrepreneurial spirit, fueled by motivation and the desire for change, can be cultivated in the classroom through the creation of collaborative spaces and interdisciplinary programs. Furthermore, the role of family education in the formation of the entrepreneurial spirit is highlighted and it is suggested that a culture that values entrepreneurship can contribute to mitigating problems such as poverty. Conclusions: the integration of these elements in the study plans as key factors to form agents of change that contribute to the sustainable development of society.


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How to Cite

Alvarado-Morán, J. M., Molina-Barzola, M. M., & Tapia-Bastidas, T. (2024). Entrepreneurship in relation to research, training and linkage, in compliance with university social responsibility. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–11. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-1786

