Social programs for adults with cognitive disabilities and at risk of exclusion: what does it mean for those who need them?




Social Programs, disabilities, guidance, well-being, social inclusion, women, gender, qualitative analysis


Introduction: Social programs to support people are diverse, but there is something common to all of them, and that is that they suffer from a lack of appreciation of the people they accompany, and it seems that these people take a back seat in making decisions about matters that concern their own lives. Methodology: Using a quantitative approach, we explore the users' perception of their accompaniment process: how it occurs and what elements produce well-being. The qualitative approach and a discourse analysis allow us to approach what this process means to the users. An in-depth interview was used with a sample of 3 women and 5 men. Results: The results show that the users of these support services, even though they belong to different realities and contexts, focus their discourse on highlighting the emotional aspects of the process and the importance of self-determination in their well-being and in the development of their personal development. Discussions: Gender stereotypes permeate the realities of the men and women in the group, yet they seem to be hidden under the condition of disability.


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Author Biographies

Carmen De la Mata Agudo, University of Córdoba

Lecturer in Research Methods. PhD in Psychology Women's and Gender Studies.

Ricardo Iván Vértiz Osorio, Cesar Vallejo University

Professor at Universidad César Vallejo de Lima. RENACYT Researcher (María Rostworowski Group - Level III).

Jannett Maribel Flórez-Ibarra, Cesar Vallejo University

Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Health Services Management. Lecturer in public health research with emphasis on vulnerable populations.

Joaquín Villaécija, University of Córdoba

Lecturer in the area of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Dr. in Social and Legal Sciences.


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How to Cite

De la Mata Agudo, C., Vértiz Osorio, R. I., Flórez-Ibarra, J. M., & Villaécija, J. (2025). Social programs for adults with cognitive disabilities and at risk of exclusion: what does it mean for those who need them?. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–18.



Humanism and Social Sciences