Film co-production in Ecuador, international support policies: The IBERMEDIA Case




cinema, narrative, audiovisual, movies, co-production, fiction, IBERMEDIA, Ecuador


Introduction: The development of cinematography in Ecuador has depended on the contribution of the private sector and scarce support from the State. The IBERMEDIA Ibero-American Aid Fund was created in 1997 as a program to stimulate the development of cinematographic projects. The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of IBERMEDIA on film and audiovisual production in Ecuador, establish the predominant film genres co-produced and analyze the experiences. Methodology: This study was conducted under the principles of descriptive research, a case study of the IBERMEDIA phenomenon in Ecuador, the research used documentary techniques and semi-structured interviews. Results: It is determined that the presence of IBERMEDIA has been favorable for the development of the film industry in Ecuador. IBERMEDIA has financed an average of 3 co-productions per year. The vast majority of co-produced films are fiction (78%), of which 56% are dramas and 22% of projects are documentaries. Discussion: It is of interest to the academy, filmmakers, producers and the general public to learn about the experiences of the applicants to the fund, despite the fact that the interviewees state that the funds are not sufficient. Conclusions: The countries that make the most co-productions with Ecuador are Colombia, Argentina and Spain.


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Author Biographies

Verónica González-Rentería, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

Licenciada en Comunicación Social por la (UTPL) Ecuador, DEA en la Universidad Santiago de Compostela (España) “Comunicación e Información Contemporánea”. Maestría de Educación con trayectoria en Investigación. Tema de investigación “El cine documental como herramienta pedagógica”. Docente Investigador en las Cátedras de Cine y Tendencias de la Comunicación en la Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja entre el 2008 – 2024. Integrante del Grupo de Investigación “Comunicación Audiovisual”. Líneas de investigación: Educación, Identidad, Cine, Cultura, Imaginario Colectivo, Lenguaje Audiovisual, Televisión, Narrativas Transmediáticas. Realizadora audiovisual de Documentales y Ficción.

Carlos Augusto Rubio Mera, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

Licenciado en Comunicación Social por la Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja – Ecuador.


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How to Cite

González-Rentería, V., & Rubio Mera, C. A. (2025). Film co-production in Ecuador, international support policies: The IBERMEDIA Case. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–18.

