The Awakening of Motherhood: Matrescence in Burnt Sugar, by Avni Doshi




Motherhood, Woman, Novel, Matrescence, Psychical transparency, Pregnancy, Postpartum, India


Introduction: The article analyses Avni Doshi's "Burnt Sugar", using literary anthropology, ecofeminism and gender perspective to explore motherhood and family relations. Methodology: Literary anthropology combined with ecofeminism and gender perspective is applied to break down the narrative and themes of the play. Analysis: The research highlights how the protagonist's motherhood and "psychic transparency" during pregnancy and puerperium influence her perception of and relationship with her mother, leading to a revision of her identity. Conclusions: The study reveals that the matrescence process is central to the protagonist's transformation, providing a profound connection to her past and redefining her identity as a mother.


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Author Biography

Marina Noriega Pedron, Universidad de Oviedo

Marina Noriega Pedrón holds a degree in English Philology from the University of Oviedo (2010), with a final degree award and an extraordinary award for her degree. She has a Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Secondary, Baccalaureate and Vocational Training (2011), and another in Communication Management (2010). A career civil servant since 2012, she has been an education inspector since 2020, with a post at the Provincial Delegation of Education, Culture and Sports of Toledo, and having taught Secondary and Baccalaureate between 2012 and 2020 in the Community of Madrid. Since 2022 she has been working as a Central Inspector of Education in the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sports (Madrid). She has several publications in the field of literature and education.


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How to Cite

Noriega Pedron, M. (2024). The Awakening of Motherhood: Matrescence in Burnt Sugar, by Avni Doshi. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–14.



Humanism and Social Sciences