Vision of transmedia narratives of memory. Case study of the digital platform Museum of Memory and Human Rights of Chile




transmedia, historical memory, digital communication, technology, human rights, creativity, internet, opinions


Introduction: Creative modalities in transmedia narratives contribute to seeing the recovery of Chile's historical memory in fiction and non-fiction content, communicationally in new reconstructions of memory. Objective: Review and explain the conditions of the transmediality of memory organized on the online platform Methodology: Five subplatforms of various genres and formats are observed in which content analysis of the narratives and a focus group of professionals are applied, to analyze the sense of transmediality of the memory stories according to sociocultural variables. Results: By observing the diversity of opinions, transmedia memory allows us to reconstruct a conceptual map of stories that is based on the elaboration of multistories. Discussion: The diversity of memory treatments facilitates the sense of reflection of a change in the construction of memory, basing its importance on the dynamics of the story and education for new generations. Conclusion: It is demonstrated that the language of new statements promote varieties of expressions that are part of this transformation in the cultural organization of the past, thus covering all areas of contemporary life for the constant debate of memory, without losing its essence. of justice and truth.


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Author Biography

Miguel Alejandro Chamorro Maldonado, Universidad de Granada

Postdoctoral researcher from 2023 at the Faculty of Communication and Documentation of the University of Granada. Degree in Social Communication and Journalism, Universidad de Playa Ancha, Chile; Diploma in Film Studies, Universidad de Valparaíso Chile; Master in Cultural Management, Universidad de Playa Ancha, Chile; PhD in Communication and Journalism, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona 2012 -2017.

Member of the team of the International Television Observatory (OITVE). Research group of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, directed by Professor Lorenzo Vilches Manterola.

Collaborator in the project "Let's talk about breast cancer, from science to the human". Consultancy and dissemination of breast cancer care, School of Health Sciences, Viña del Mar University. Year 2018.


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How to Cite

Chamorro Maldonado, M. A. (2024). Vision of transmedia narratives of memory. Case study of the digital platform Museum of Memory and Human Rights of Chile. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–25.

