Implementation of an educational escape room for teaching environmental sustainability in Economics in Baccalaureate studies




gamification, motivation, learning, escape room, environmental education, sustainability, economics, secondary education


Introduction: Given the disaffection of students towards traditional methods, the literature attributes to the gamification methodology, and more specifically to the escape room activity, the power to raise their motivation during the teaching-learning process. Considering the didactic potential of this tool and the inclusion of sustainable development in LOMLOE curricula, the escape room “Earth 2050” was created and implemented within the theme “The new green paradigm in the EU economy” (Economics 1st Bac.), based on one of the lines of the EU-ECO-FIN project. Methodology: To measure student perceptions, a questionnaire covering the dimensions “motivation” and “learning” was used. Mean scores were calculated for each item to identify the most salient components, as well as overall scores, facilitating comparison between dimensions. Results: High levels of motivation, teamwork and immersion; acquisition of knowledge on SDGs, renewable energy and circular economy and development of environmental awareness. Discussion: The escape room is advisable in the LOMLOE context Conclusions: Validity of the activity to address EC 5 of the educational program.


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Author Biographies

Juan Guerrero Calderón, Universidad de León

Researcher in training. Graduate in Business Administration and Management from the University of León (ULE). Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching (MUFPES) (specialisation in Economics) from the University of León (ULE). Interuniversity Master's Degree in Research in Business Administration and Economics (specialisation in Financial Economics and Accounting) (Universities of Salamanca, Valladolid, León and Burgos). Collaborator of the Grupo de Innovación Docente en Educación Financiera (GIDEF) and the European Jean Monnet Project EU-ECO-FIN ""The European Union context in Economic and Financial Education during the Secondary/Baccalaureate/VET studies" (2022-25).

María Teresa Tascón Fernánez, Universidad de León

PhD in Business Science. University Professor in the area of Financial Economics and Accounting. Coordinator of the "Economics" module of the Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching (MUFPES) at the University of León. Lecturer in charge of the subject "Teaching innovation and initiation to educational research (Economics)" and of the "Practicum" of the "Economics" module of MUFPES and academic tutor of students. Coordinator of the Financial Education Teaching Innovation Group (GIDEF) and the Finance Research Group (GIF) of the University of León. Principal investigator of the European Jean Monnet EU-ECO-FIN project "The European Union context in Economic and Financial Education during the Secondary/Baccalaureate/VET studies" (2022-25).

Oliver Fernández González, Universidad de León

PhD in Business Administration and Management (Financial Economics and Accounting). Computer Engineer and Degree in Business Administration and Management from the University of León. Teacher of Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, teaching Computer Science, Technology, Economics and Mathematics. Associate lecturer at the University of León, teaching in different degrees and in the Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching (MUFPES). Lecturer on the Master's Degree in Teacher Training at the UNIR. Former collaborator of Dr. Fernández Cuesta's research group on environmental accounting at the University of León. Current participation in various research projects in education.


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How to Cite

Guerrero Calderón, J., Tascón Fernánez, M. T., & Fernández González, O. (2024). Implementation of an educational escape room for teaching environmental sustainability in Economics in Baccalaureate studies. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–21.

