CiñELE: a project based on film and ICT to develop intercultural communicative competence of Thai students of Spanish




didactics, film, intercultural communicative competence, Spanish as a foreign language, stereotypes, Thailand, ICTs, university


Introduction: The film world represents one of the exponents with the greatest didactic potential for fostering the acquisition of ICC. On the language level, it facilitates learning through countless meaningful situations. Culturally, it enables learners to find a bridge over which to overcome stereotypical assumptions. ICTs, for their part, help different educational stakeholders share a common language aimed at strengthening the teaching-learning process. This compendium of joint strengths constitutes the purpose of CiñELE, a project aimed at reducing the linguistic and socio-cultural barriers associated with learners of Spanish as a foreign language in the Thai context. Methodology: An exploratory study was carried out, starting with an initial questionnaire, followed by the implementation of an ad hoc didactic unit, and concluding with a final questionnaire. Results:  The intervention reveals a positive reception of the didactic materials used, resulting in a significant improvement of the target group's ICC. Discussions:Despite the successful implementation of the project, there is a latent resistance to methodological change from more traditional learners. Conclusions:  Therefore, similar intervention initiatives are needed in the short and medium term.


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Author Biographies

Juan Carlos Manzanares Triquet, Universidad de Granada

Juan Carlos Manzanares Triquet holds a degree in Translation and Interpreting from the University of Málaga (2012) and a PhD in Education from the University of Granada (2023). Between 2014 and 2023 he worked as a Spanish teacher in different university institutions in the People's Republic of China. Since the end of 2023 he is part of the Department of Language and Literature Didactics at the University of Granada. His research interests include: the implementation in the classroom of active methodologies such as gamification or ABJ; interculturality in the teaching-learning process of additional languages; or the implementation of ICT resources in the classroom.

Penpisa Srivoranart, Chulalongkorn University

Penpisa Srivoranart, a Thai national, obtained her Bachelor of Arts with a major in Spanish at Chulalongkorn University (Thailand) in 2003, Master in ELE at the University of Alcalá (2005), Master in Advanced Hispanic Studies at the Universitat de València (2009) and PhD in Spanish Language and Literature at the University of Alcalá (2011). He is currently Assistant Professor of the Spanish Section, Department of Western Languages at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. His research focuses mainly on Spanish as a foreign language, although he has also published on translation, Spanish literature and intercultural communication. In addition, she has translated several works of literature, psychology and philosophy from Spanish.


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How to Cite

Manzanares Triquet, J. C., & Srivoranart, P. (2024). CiñELE: a project based on film and ICT to develop intercultural communicative competence of Thai students of Spanish. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–16.


