Motivation of university students: between amotivation and intrinsic motivation




University students, Motivation, Amotivacion, Self-Determination Theory, Intrinsic motivacion, Extrinsic motivation, University, Learning


Introduction: Nowadays, student motivation has become a concern issue for university teachers. Based on Self-Determination Theory, the current research considers three types of motivation: intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, and amotivation, and aims (1) to identify the motivation types to which students are more sensitive and (2) to know their evolution during the semester. Methodology: To this end, two questionnaires were submitted to students in seven classes from two Spanish public universities at the beginning and at the end of the semester. In total, 105 students responded. Results: It appears that amotivation, although high, decreases during the semester and that intrinsic motivation dominates extrinsic motivation. Also, many of the unmotivated people ended up intrinsically motivated, while this type of motivation is associated with higher levels of motivation in general. Discussion: These findings point to an amotivation reduction that should lead to apply new teaching methods to promote student motivation, such as carrying out group work or recurring feedback on the students' progress. Conclusions: To achieve it, the use of qualitative methods that allow in-depth knowledge of student motivation appears necessary.


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Author Biographies

Louis Pierre Philippe Homont, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology: Methodology and Theory in the Faculty of Information Sciences at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). He is a member of the UCM Research Group "Social Identities and Communication" and a PhD student in Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Public Relations (UCM). His main lines of research are political and public sector communication, the management of intangible assets in the public sector and digital communication. His recent research includes studies on populism and national-populism as political communication strategies, the use of digital media to involve citizens in the management of collective affairs and the effects of motivation on such involvement.

José Antonio Alcoceba Hernando, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

PhD in Information Sciences from the UCM (Madrid-Spain). Professor in the Department of Sociology: Methodology and Theory in the Faculty of Information Sciences (UCM) where he teaches Communication Theory, Sociology of Communication, Social Production of Communication. His main lines of research are the social production of communication and the sociology of communication and youth. He has 2 sexenios of research and his recent publications include those published in, UOC, 2019, OBETS, 2021, Historia y Comunicación Social, 2022, Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 2023.


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How to Cite

Homont, L. P. P., & Alcoceba Hernando, J. A. (2024). Motivation of university students: between amotivation and intrinsic motivation. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–20.


