Collection of ARGs between 2001 and 2021: consolidating the status of an audiovisual and advertising rara avis




alternate reality games, ARG, branded content, advertisement, transmedia, ludonarrative, hybridisation, media convergence


Introduction: Alternate Reality Games (ARGs) present great variability in terms of their objectives and the structures on which they are articulated, which has made it difficult from their origin to compose a solid theoretical and analytical framework, whether from a quantitative or qualitative perspective.  Objectives: The aim of this research is to compose a database of ARGs from this double prism, quantitative and qualitative, on questions such as their chronological evolution or their territorial production. Methodology: The methodology applied is based on an exhaustive bibliographical review in order to subsequently organise and classify the results around a series of analysis variables and based on the graphic model of the fundamental components of alternative reality games. Results: The results show a series of asymmetries in the analysis of cases, which lead us to consider the permeability of the scenario to a certain degree of monitoring, but at the same time constantly challenging the characteristics that limit it. Conclusions: As a conclusion, a significant mismatch between name and concept is found, which should lead to semantic and taxonomic reflection, even posing a possible nominal transformation.


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Author Biographies

David Ruiz-García, University of Seville

D. in Communication from the University of Seville (US). He has been a professor of communication, digital communication and advertising at the Centro Universitario San Isidoro, attached to the University Pablo de Olavide, at the University of Santiago de Compostela and at the University of Seville. His main research subjects are audiovisual creativity, media hybridization, branded content, audiovisual scripting, video games and hyperfictions, specializing in the study of alternative reality games, on which he has written many articles and book chapters. In addition to his academic work, David has been an advertising creative, freelance scriptwriter and professional musician since 2001.

Guadalupe Meléndez González-Haba, University of Cádiz

Graduated in Audiovisual Communication (UEX), Master in Communication Management (UCAM) and PhD in Information and Communication (UEX), her lines of research focus on the study of the effects of advertising on sensitive population around the body and beauty, the protection of minors in advertising, gender stereotypes and the role of women in advertising and media. She has more than 30 publications and numerous conferences and participations in international congresses. She currently teaches in the Degree in Advertising and Public Relations at the UCA, as well as in the Master's Degree in Strategic Management and Innovation in Communication and Master's Degree in Digital and Social Marketing Management.


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How to Cite

Ruiz-García, D., & Meléndez González-Haba, G. (2024). Collection of ARGs between 2001 and 2021: consolidating the status of an audiovisual and advertising rara avis. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–21.


