The fiscal factor in the castilian crisis of the Seventeeth century




Castile, crisis, fiscal factor, monetary factor, taxation, seventeenth century, public debt, credit


Introduction: The deep economic crisis that devastated Castile at the beginning of the modern era is one of the most controversial episodes in the economic history of our country. Methodology: After reviewing the most relevant aspects of the crisis of the period, the research will focus on the analysis of the fiscal situation. A review of the main elements that affected the tax system will be carried out, considering both the structure of the Castilian tax system and its real repercussions on credit and public debt, this analysis will highlight the seriousness of the fiscal imbalance. Results and Discussion: This paper aims to establish the responsibility that the fiscal factor played in the design of the Castilian monetary policy developed throughout the seventeenth century in Castile. Conclusions: This analysis reveals how the fiscal environment has a lot to do with the economic situation of seventeenth-century Castile and how it determines the development of monetary policy. It shows how the high fiscal needs that the Crown went through during this period determined the design of monetary policy, forcing it to be used as a source of financing.


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Author Biography

Cecilia Font de Villanueva, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria

Cecilia Font de Villanueva holds a PhD in Economic Theory from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2004). She completed her academic training with a Master's degree in Philosophy from the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (2006) and a Master's degree in Humanities from the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (2007). For the preparation of his doctoral thesis he obtained a grant from the Bank of Spain. She has been awarded two six-year research fellowships by the CNAI. His main lines of research include the History of Castilian Monetary Thought in the 16th and 17th centuries and the analysis of the foundations of the economic ideas developed by the authors of the so-called School of Salamanca.


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How to Cite

Font de Villanueva, C. (2024). The fiscal factor in the castilian crisis of the Seventeeth century. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–13.



Humanism and Social Sciences