Regional decentralized growth in indicative economic planning: the regional development of Galicia




Regional development policy, Economic and Social Plan: Poles of Development, Economic Stabilization Plan, Large Economic Expansion Area, Society for the Industrial Development of Galicia, Territorial Interlocking, Economic Periphery


Introduction: The Spanish regional development policy of the 1960s began with the approval of the Economic Stabilization Plan 1959-1961. The approval of this planning involved a paradigm shift in Spanish economic policy. The model of economic autarky was abandoned, and the aim was to push the Spanish economy towards opening up to international markets, the progressive modernization of the productive system and competitiveness in markets. Methodology: Qualitative and quantitative indicators have been used to study the effects of national policies aimed at decentralized regional development. Results: The implementation of a decentralized regional economic development model was intended to create a growth model based on the endogenous development potential of the Spanish regions. Opening up to foreign markets created new opportunities and optimal price competitiveness with international economies.:. Discussion: The study analyzes the plans and reports that were approved by the Spanish Administration from 1959 to 1974. The investment effort made in the different regions allows us to evaluate the results of capital inflows, job creation and the creation of a productive fabric. Conclusions: Efforts to achieve decentralized regional economic development were initiated with the approval of the Economic and Social Development Plans. The budgetary investments made were aimed at modernizing the regional economies. For this, the Development Poles were implemented in regions such as Galicia. It was necessary to promote the articulation of the Spanish internal market and open up regional economies to the outside world.


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Author Biography

José Antonio Diaz Fernandez, Universidade de Vigo

Permanent Lecturer. Department: History, Art and Geography. University of Vigo. Degree in Geography and History. Speciality: Applied Geography. USC. Extraordinary Degree Award. USC. Thesis: The transport and communication system in the Metropolitan Area of A Coruña. USC. PhD from the USC. Doctoral Thesis: The land transport and communications system in the regional development of Galicia. Extraordinary Doctorate Award Graduate in Education Sciences. USC. Prize for academic research. Pontevedra Provincial Council. Book: Tourism in Galicia. Pontevedra Provincial Council.


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How to Cite

Diaz Fernandez, J. A. (2024). Regional decentralized growth in indicative economic planning: the regional development of Galicia. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–24.



Humanism and Social Sciences