Collaborative online international learning project for teaching interactive audio-fiction




collaborative learning, COIL, online education, active pedagogy, interactive podcasting, learning by doing


Introduction: A Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) project facilitates the teaching/learning process between similar courses of different nationalities through joint work between faculty members. This article shares the COIL experience between Universidad Autónoma de Occidente (UAO) and Universidad de Lima (Ulima), focusing on interactive sound fiction. Methodology: A pedagogical methodology based on the principles of "Learning by doing" was implemented. Students engaged in practical activities to develop skills in interactive sound fiction. Results: The project resulted in five interactive sound fiction projects, collaboratively created by UAO and Ulima students. Discussion: The COIL exercise demonstrated the effectiveness of active pedagogy in facilitating meaningful learning and creative production in interactive sound fiction. Conclusions: COIL projects offer an excellent opportunity to consolidate meaningful learning in the production of interactive sound fiction, highlighting the importance of international collaboration in higher education.

This article aims to socialize the COIL experience carried out between the Interactive Podcasting course of the Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, UAO and the Podcasting and Radio Workshop course of the Universidad de Lima, Ulima; which consisted in an active pedagogy work, around the subject of interactive sound fiction. To achieve this, it begins with an introduction that derives from the objective of the COIL project in question. Subsequently, the pedagogical methodology implemented based on the principles of Learning by doing is presented. The third point presents the development and the results obtained, which are represented in five projects of interactive sound fiction, carried out between students from UAO and Ulima.

Finally, the conclusions of the COIL exercise are presented, among which the great opportunity presented by this type of project to consolidate meaningful learning for the production of interactive sound fiction projects stands out.


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Author Biography

Ismael Cardozo Rivera, Universidad Autónoma de Occidente

Teacher and Social Communicator from the Universidad Autónoma de Occidente (Colombia), Doctor in Communication, Leisure and Culture for Human Development from the Universidad de Deusto (Spain) and Master in Direction and Management of Educational Institutions from the Universidad Regiomontana (Mexico). Her research experience focuses on projects in active pedagogy and essentially in research-creation. His academic and teaching experience focuses on the areas of digital narratives, podcasting, transmedia storytelling, audiovisual production, active pedagogy and inclusive communication. Additionally, he is a junior researcher of Colciencias (Colombia), coordinates the line of “Journalism and digital narratives” of the research group: “communication and knowledge society. Finally, he is the leader of the research group “Narratives and Digital Journalism”.


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How to Cite

Cardozo Rivera, I. (2024). Collaborative online international learning project for teaching interactive audio-fiction. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–13.

