Analysis of the effectiveness of influencer marketing in the fashion industry




influencer marketing, microinfluencers, digital communication, fashion communication, instagram, communication strategies, fashion, content creators


Introduction: Influencer marketing has been configured as a relevant communication strategy for many organisations and the fashion sector has not been left out, so this research has as its main objective to analyse the effectiveness that this type of action has for these companies, and more specifically, in the field of collaborations with microinfluencers. Methodology: A mixed methodology has been implemented, combining in-depth interviews with industry professionals and fashion microinfluencers with a consumer survey. Results: Microinfluencers play a key role in the promotion of fashion, generating content characterised by its authenticity and which achieves a notable connection, improving purchase preference. Discussion: Microinfluencers are valuable partners for fashion brands in creating genuine and relevant content. Careful selection of these content creators maximises the impact of these strategies. Conclusions: Microinfluencers are a very effective alternative for fashion brand communication, due to their ability to build trust and reach specific targets, extending the reach of campaigns.


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Author Biographies

Pedro Pablo Marín Dueñas, Universidad de Cádiz

University Lecturer in the area of Marketing and Market Research - Department of Marketing and Communication - at the University of Cadiz, where he teaches both undergraduate and master's degrees. He has been the coordinator of the Degree in Marketing and Market Research and the Double Degree in Marketing and Market Research and Tourism for five years. He is currently director of the Department of Marketing and Communication at the University of Cadiz. He has published more than 60 papers, both in journals indexed in top-level databases (JCR or SJR, FECYT or JCI) and in prestigious publishing houses such as McGraw-Hill, Tirant Lo Blanc, Vision, Dykinson, Tecnos, Fragua, Gedisa or Springer.

Esther Simancas-González, Universidad de Cádiz

University Lecturer in the area of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising - Department of Marketing and Communication - at the University of Cadiz, where she teaches both undergraduate and master's degrees. She has been coordinator of the Master in Strategic Management and Innovation in Communication for 4 years and since February 2022 she is Vice-Dean of Students, Culture, Participation and Employability of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication of the University of Cadiz. She is part of the research group SEJ-635: Feminism, communication and cooperation for social justice (FEMCOM).


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How to Cite

Pablo Marín Dueñas, P., & Simancas-González, E. (2024). Analysis of the effectiveness of influencer marketing in the fashion industry. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–15.


