ICT resources and robotics for science teaching: an experience with teachers in initial training





technoscientific literacy, science education, didactic experience, teacher training, forces, 5E model, robotics, ICT


Introduction: Current society is surrounded by digital media, so the education of the XXI century must propose new educational spaces to deal with the digital and technological era. In this context, a didactic experience about forces is presented, carried out for teachers in initial training of Primary Education, with the aim of making them aware of the possibilities of some technological resources and educational robotics, for the teaching of science. Methodology: The classroom experience follows the 5E Model, with the aim of evaluating the didactic possibilities of the model, and of the resources used. It took 5 classroom sessions, in which a group of 80 students participated. From the data obtained, a qualitative analysis was carried out, taking into account the final product elaborated by the teachers in initial training, as well as some of the verbalizations made in the classroom. Conclusions: The main conclusions point out that the development of the experience has allowed the trainee teachers to approach science education for sustainability, developing their techno-scientific competences and valuing the potential of the 5E Model and the resources used.


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Author Biographies

Nuria Castineira Rodriguez, Universidade de Vigo

Graduate in Early Childhood Education and Master in Research and Innovation in Specific Didactics for Early Childhood and Primary Education, and currently pursuing a PhD in Equity and Innovation in Education (University of Vigo). She has teaching experience in the subjects of Learning the Sciences of Nature (Degree in Early Childhood Education) and Didactics of Experimental Sciences (Degree in Primary Education). Researcher in the Department of Special Didactics, specifically in the area of Didactics of Experimental Sciences, at the University of Vigo, with a pre-doctoral contract. She is part of the research group CIES: Collaboration, Innovation and Research for Socio-Educational Equity at the University of Vigo. Lines of research: science education, education for sustainability and educational technology.

Uxío Pérez Rodríguez, Universidade de Vigo

Degree in Psychology and PhD in History of Science and Techniques. I am currently Associate Professor in the Area of Didactics of Experimental Sciences at the University of Vigo. My main lines of research are related to the Didactics of Experimental Sciences. I work particularly on Initial Teacher Training, Environmental Education for Sustainability, Scientific Practices, Astronomy Teaching and didactic applications of the History of Science and Technology.


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How to Cite

Castineira Rodriguez, N., & Pérez Rodríguez, U. (2024). ICT resources and robotics for science teaching: an experience with teachers in initial training. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–18. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-342




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