Gamification and Webquest for image identification in Art History




cooperative learning, self-evaluation, gamification, art history, image, digital ressources, observational rubric, webquest


Introduction: The research presents the application of a gamification and webquest proposal as a response to the demand for pedagogical strategies capable of reformulating the existing models in the conventional learning of Art History. Methodology: The methodology followed articulates the aforementioned tools, in a course of the specialty of Restoration of the Faculty of Fine Arts, to design an innovative cooperative learning proposal with activities capable of favoring the acquisition by students of the skills and objectives foreseen in the subject program.Results: The provision of an observational rubric made it possible to characterize the progressive evolution in the development of the competencies and in the achievement of the planned objectives, confirmed in the marks of the exam and the compulsory assignments. Discussions: The use of an analysis using SWOT criteria to evaluate the experience facilitated the identification of weaknesses and strengths of this experience, allowing to reformulate and explore new methodological ways in the use of technological tools as a teaching resource Suspendisse dapibus dapibus pellentesque magna. Integer nulla. Conclusions: The results of the course validate the initial hypothesis regarding the improvement in the process of recognition of artistic images through the combination those strategies.


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Author Biography

Alejandro Garcia Garcia, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Alejandro García holds a PhD in Architecture from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid with the thesis "Layerscapes: Cartographic imperative in the hypermediated city", qualified with Excellent Cum Laude and directed by Eduardo Roig Segovia. He is a member of the Research Group "Figuration, Representation and Images of Architecture" of the Department of Art History at the Complutense University of Madrid, where he teaches. He is also director of the Master in Urban Design at the European University of the Canary Islands and collaborator in the Master in Architectural Communication at the ETSA Madrid. He combines his professional activity with the dissemination of architecture and the city in various media. He has made several exhibitions, including the works included in the exhibition contents of the Spanish Pavilion of the XVI Architecture Biennale in Venice. His research domain is directed towards the phenomenology derived from the links between architecture and digital technology.


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How to Cite

Garcia Garcia, A. (2024). Gamification and Webquest for image identification in Art History. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9.


