Breaking Chains: Service-Learning from participatory methodologies for social communication




human trafficking, social communication, service-Learning, participatory methodologies, art therapy, new narratives, co-creation, third sector


Introduction: Service-Learning is a widely practiced approach to enhance both student learning and their social environment. Methodology: A Service-Learning practice was developed using participatory methodologies to co-create a social media awareness campaign for the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, based on New Narratives. Different participatory methods were employed with trafficking survivors, representatives from organizations, and the students themselves. Finally, a questionnaire was administered to measure the campaign's adequacy. Results: This paper presents the campaign co-designed by the students and the participating women, the evaluation of a meaningful experience for both groups, and the positive reception of the campaign by the potential audience. Discussion: The present study has demonstrated that participatory methodologies enhance the educational experience of Service-Learning for students, as well as positively impacting the groups targeted by the campaign, and the reception of social communication campaigns. Conclusions: Besides the positive results achieved, it is important to highlight the relevance of socially vulnerable groups being able to participate in shaping discourse about their own situations.


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Author Biographies

Noelia García-Castillo, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Assistant Professor at the Department of Communication Theories and Analysis (Faculty of Information Sciences) at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). After more than 10 years of teaching and research experience, her current lines of research focus on communication applied to groups of special vulnerability and Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). She has participated in seven research projects funded by the European Commission (H2020), the State Research Agency, UCM, Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Banco Santander, the Ministry of Education and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR); as well as in 6 teaching innovation projects funded by UCM.

Sara Parra Ferreras, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Trainee researcher at the Complutense University of Madrid (Department of Communication Theories and Analysis), working on a doctoral thesis entitled ‘Human trafficking. International actors, humanitarian aid and communication’. Recipient of a Predoctoral Contract for Research Staff in Training funded by the UCM and Banco Santander.


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How to Cite

García-Castillo, N., & Parra Ferreras, S. (2024). Breaking Chains: Service-Learning from participatory methodologies for social communication. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–15.




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