Impact of the flipped classroom on knowledge construction in higher education




flipped classroom, higher education, didactic methodology, active learning, mesogenesis, chronogenesis, topogenesis, university pedagogy


Introduction: With the advancement of information technologies, higher education has adopted the flipped classroom, varying between Anglo-Saxon and European perspectives, which define educational roles and spaces. The aim of the study was to specify how the flipped classroom model reconfigures the spaces-times, and roles of the involved actors. Methodology: A quatitative approach and explanatory research with a field design were adopted, and non directive interviews were conducted with nine university teachers in Peru using non-directive interviews. Results: Personal experiences and interactions with students proved crucial for the adoption of the model, identifying two ideal configurations: one dominated by teacher control and another that favors student autonomy. Discussions: The analysis focuses on how these two ideal types relate to the didactic triplet of mesogenesis, chronogenesis, and topogenesis, suggesting that the flipped classroom allows for a flexible redistribution of roles and teaching-learning times. Conclusions: The flipped classroom significantly modifies the dynamics of space-time and the roles of actors in the teaching-learning process in higher education. This model adapts to the individual needs of students and enhances the effectiveness of knowledge construction.


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Author Biographies

Silvia Verónica Valdivia Yábar, Universidad Nacional del Altiplano

PhD in Pedagogy, with Honourable Mention, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Master's Degree in Linguistics, Universidad Nacional del Altiplano, Peru (UNA). Bachelor's Degree in Education (UNA). Researcher recognised by CONCYTEC, Peru, with several funded research projects. Research professor at the Universidad Nacional del Altiplano (UNA) with more than 15 years of experience in teaching and research. Research interests: Pedagogy, Educational Policies, Interculturality and Linguistics. Active member of the Mexican Society of Comparative Education (SOMEC) and participant in international conferences. He has published articles in indexed journals in Spain, Mexico, Brazil, USA and Costa Rica, contributing significantly to the field of education and linguistics.

Liceli Gabriela Peñarrieta Bedoya, Universidad Nacional del Altiplano

PhD in Education, National University of the Altiplano, Peru (UNA). Master's in Social Communication, with a specialization in Communication and Education, from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (UC). Bachelor's degree in Social Communication Sciences (UNA). She has completed a second specialty in Project-Based Learning at the Catholic University of San Pablo. Psychologist. She is currently pursuing a Master’s in Psychology of Knowledge and Learning at FLACSO Argentina. She has conducted research and published on topics in educational psychology, communication for development, and social psychology. She is a tenured professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences, School of Social Communication Sciences, at the National University of the Altiplano, with more than 15 years of experience in teaching and research.


Tania Roxana Aguilar Portugal, Universidad Nacional del Altiplano

PhD in Medicine, National University of San Agustin de Arequipa, Peru (UNSA). PhD in Education, National University of the Altiplano, Peru (UNA). Master's in Medicine, National University of San Agustin de Arequipa, Peru. Specialty in Pediatrics, National University of the Altiplano, Peru. Surgeon, National University of the Altiplano, Peru. Tenured professor at the Faculty of Medicine, National University of the Altiplano, with more than 15 years of experience in teaching and research. Has published articles in indexed journals in Brazil and Peru.


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How to Cite

Valdivia Yábar, S. V., Peñarrieta Bedoya, L. G., & Aguilar Portugal, T. R. (2024). Impact of the flipped classroom on knowledge construction in higher education. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–15.


