Moving towards inclusive university teaching: Experiences and impact of a training course on active and participatory methodologies




Teacher training, inclusive pedagogy, university, diversity, active and participatory methodologies, students with disabilities, narrative inquiry, transfer


Introduction: Recognising and providing a response to diversity at universities is an ethical and legal imperative that requires suitable teacher training. Methodology: This study aims to describe the design, development and evaluation of a teacher training course applied at the University of Huelva and aimed at university teaching staff. The voluntary participants in the training were 18 faculty members from different areas of knowledge. Three training sessions focused on the design of inclusive and participatory methodologies to respond to diversity in the classroom. In order to understand the reasons that led them to take the course and the impact it had on their educational practices, the perceptions of the participating were analysed from a narrative approach and through a content analysis. Results: The results revealed that teachers considered it a priority and urgent to address diversity in the classroom, and that the training action had a positive impact on the conception and design of their educational practices towards an inclusive approach. Conclusions: The conclusions show that despite being a useful and significant training action with a clearly transforming impact on the participants' views and the way they organise their teaching, this training action is beginning to draw other paths on which to rethink university policies, cultures and practices.


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Author Biographies

Almudena Cotán Fernández, University of Huelva

PhD in Pedagogy and lecturer in the Department of Pedagogy of the Faculty of Educational Sciences, Psychology and Sports Sciences (University of Huelva). She belongs to the research group HUM-936 (Analysis of exclusion and socio-educational opportunities). She collaborates as a researcher in the team led by Dr. Anabel Moriña. Her research interests focus on Higher Education, students with disabilities, inclusive pedagogy, ICT, teacher training, innovation, emerging technology, Universal Learning Design, Universal Instructional Design, qualitative research and biographical-narrative research.

Inmaculada Concepción Orozco Almario, Jaume I University

PhD in Education from the University of Seville. She is currently a postdoctoral researcher (Juan de la Cierva-Training Programme, State Plan) in the Department of Pedagogy and Didactics of Social Sciences, Language and Literature at the Universitat Jaume. Member of the I.D.E.A. Research Group (Innovation, Development, Evaluation and Assessment-HUM423) of the University of Seville and the MEICRI Research Group (Educational Improvement and Critical Citizenship) of the Universitat Jaume I. Her lines of research are focused on inclusive pedagogy and teacher training from Early Childhood Education to University, biographical-narrative research, participatory action research (PAR), Universal Design for Learning (UDL), active and participatory methodologies, teaching innovation, emerging technologies, disability and academic success.


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How to Cite

Cotán Fernández, A., & Orozco Almario, I. C. (2024). Moving towards inclusive university teaching: Experiences and impact of a training course on active and participatory methodologies. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–16.




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