Studying the affective profiles in Spanish adolescents and their differences in aggression




affectove profiles, aggression, PANAS, AQ, differences, adolescence, Spain, affect


Introduction: The affective profiles, obtained through the combination of positive affect (PA) and negative affect (NA), help to identify affective characteristics in individuals that can be used to prevent possible future problematic situations or intervene in them. In this sense, the study about the relationship between affective profiles an aggression is understood as essential. Methodology: Consequently, the current study intents to identify affective profiles in a sample of 634 Spanish adolescents through the non-hierarchical cluster method and differences between the identified profiles through MANOVA are going to be checked in the aggression scores. Results: The results identified four affective profiles: self-fulfilling (PA high and NA low), self-destructive (PA low and NA high), high affect (PA and NA high) and low affect (PA and NA low). Besides, the self-fulfilling profile obtainede the lowest scores in aggression, whereas the self-destructive obtained the highest scores. Discussions: These findings continue identifying the self-fulfilling profiles as an adaptive profile and the self-destructive profile as a maladaptive profile. Conclusions: It is important to promote the self-fulfilling profile in the students to avoid possible aggressive and problematic situations, whereas the self-destructive should be identified and reduced.


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Author Biographies

Vicente Enrique Armengol Ortiz, University of Alicante

Vicente Enrique Armengol Ortiz has the following education: Primary Education Teacher Training from the University of Alicante, a Degree in Psychology from the Miguel Hernández University of Elche and a Degree in Early Childhood Education from the Camilo José Cela University. In addition, she has completed several master's degrees, including a Master's Degree in Learning Difficulties and Language Disorders at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, a Master's Degree in Teaching Secondary Education and Baccalaureate at the University of Alicante, and she is currently completing a Master's Degree in Psychopedagogy at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. His work experience ranges from special education to teaching in secondary and high school, currently working as a teacher at the CEU Jesús María School in Alicante.

Ricardo Sanmartín López, University of Alicante

Ricardo Sanmartín López is a tenured lecturer in the Department of Developmental and Didactic Psychology at the University of Alicante. His main line of research is affect in childhood and adolescence and its relationship with psychoeducational variables. In this way, she has participated in the elaboration of articles, books, book chapters and contributions to conferences in which the main findings of her research work have been exposed. Finally, she participates in an Erasmus + research project entitled ‘Observatory SOS-Attendance’ which aims to study and investigate school attendance problems with universities in Belgium, Turkey and Italy.


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How to Cite

Armengol Ortiz, V. E., & Sanmartín López, R. (2024). Studying the affective profiles in Spanish adolescents and their differences in aggression. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–15.



Humanism and Social Sciences