Benefits and Limitations for Salvadoran University Teachers and Students on the Use of AI in Teaching-Learning Processes




Artificial Intelligence, education, teaching, processes, learning, benefits, limitation, ethics


Introduction: The study examines the benefits and limitations perceived by Salvadoran university teachers and students on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in teaching-learning processes. Methodology: A mixed methodology was used with interviews to 5 teachers and questionnaires to 673 students from 20 Salvadoran universities. Results: The results indicate that most of them have a basic knowledge of AI tools such as ChatGPT and Copilot. Perceptions are predominantly positive, although there are concerns about ethical-academic integrity and the need for training. Discussion: The need for a balanced approach that maximises the benefits of AI and mitigates its risks is highlighted, suggesting future research to explore improvements in higher education. Conclusions: AI has great potential, but it is critical to address current limitations and promote thoughtful and careful implementation in university education.


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Author Biography

Armando Briñis Zambrano, Universidad Evangelica de El Salvador

Doctor in Historical Sciences. Scientific degree awarded by the University of Havana and registered by the Council of Scientific Degrees of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Cuba. Researcher and Professor of the Master's Degree in Research at the Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador. Director of Research. Researcher and Professor at the Universidad Luterana Salvadoreña. Director of the Scientific Research Centre of CONARES (CIC-CONARES). Member of the staff of Thesis Directors of the Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana de México. Professor of the Doctorate in Theology at the Don Bosco University. Professor at the Technological University of El Salvador (UTEC). Founding member of the Multidisciplinary Chair of Africa and the Middle East at the University of Havana.


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How to Cite

Briñis Zambrano, A. (2024). Benefits and Limitations for Salvadoran University Teachers and Students on the Use of AI in Teaching-Learning Processes. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–19.

