Data analysis strategy in digital environments: evaluating teacher activity




Teacher evaluation, data analysis, knowledge management, educational quality, educational technology, decision making, educational innovations, higher education


Introduction: This article addresses the lack of analytical tools for evaluating teacher performance in Learning Management Systems such as Moodle, despite their ability to monitor student progress. Methodology: It describes the implementation of a data visualization strategy through direct database queries of Moodle and the use of business intelligence tools such as Metabase, Access, and Power BI. This enables the creation of customized reports on teacher-student interactions. Results: The development of these reports has enhanced the daily work of teachers on educational platforms and provided educational institutions with a valuable tool for analyzing and improving teaching processes. Discussions: The need to adapt educational technology for evaluating teacher performance is discussed, emphasizing the importance of these tools in the continuous improvement of educational quality. Conclusions: The implementation of advanced data visualization in LMS is crucial for optimizing higher education, enriching the educational experience, and strengthening institutional capabilities in response to the challenges of modern learning.



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Author Biographies

Lourdes Segovia García, Corporación Universitaria de Asturias

Degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Salamanca. Member of the Sinergia Digital research group. Online lecturer at the University Corporation of Asturias and the European Graduate Institute. She holds the position of academic director at the European Graduate Institute. Currently, she is an applicant for a PhD in Industrial Technologies Research at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia and a PhD in Education at the Universidad Europea de Monterrey.

Nuria Segovia-García, Corporación Universitaria de Asturias

PhD in Education from the International University of La Rioja and Degree in Pedagogy from the University of Salamanca. Member of the Sinergia Digital research group. Director of the Master's Degree in Education and Digital Pedagogical Development at the European Graduate Institute and the Master of Education in Instructional Design and Technology at SUMMA University. She has published more than 15 peer-reviewed articles in academic journals and has written more than 30 book chapters resulting from research. Currently, she is a PhD candidate in Administrative Sciences at the European University of Monterrey.


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How to Cite

Segovia García, L., & Segovia-García, N. (2024). Data analysis strategy in digital environments: evaluating teacher activity. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–20.


