Preventing child and adolescent suicide by working on stories




suicide, protective factors, risk factors, childhood, adolescence, primary education, emotions, stories


Introduction: Talking about the topic of suicide has never been easy in our culture, much less when it comes to child and adolescent suicide. The suicide is a serious problem, which raises the question about what the measures that can and should be implemented to stop the increase That is being experienced. The objective of this work is to promote the prevention of child and adolescent suicide through the development of educational and intervention activities using stories in primary education. Methodology: the existing prevention measures in childhood and youth in school contexts are examined and highlighted the importance of early identification and preventive education in primary education. Finally, a project is presented base on a selection of preventive stories to work on the risk and protective factors of suicidal ideation and behavior. Conclusions: The conclusions obtained coincide with the studies that have been carried out in education, where the relevant role the story plays as an instrument to mediate the process of learning emotional competencies to prevent suicide in primary education is revealed.


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Author Biographies

Blanca Tejero Claver, International University of La Rioja

Cum laude Doctor in Psychology from the University of Salamanca, with a specialization in Clinical and Organizational Psychology from UNED. From September 1999 to September 2016, she was a member of the faculty at the Faculty of Distance Education (UNED), and since September 2012, she has been part of the faculty at the Faculty of Education at UNIR, teaching in the Early Childhood, Primary Education, and Special Psychology Master’s programs. Accredited as a tenured professor by ANECA, she currently holds the position of adjunct professor at UNIR. She has participated in various research groups and projects, currently in the "Cyberpsychology" research group, with over 30 publications in the fields of education and psychology.

Virginia Alarcón Martínez, International University of La Rioja

Cum laude Doctor in Industrial Technologies, Agricultural Engineer, with degrees in Civil Engineering and Technical Engineering in Public Works from UPCT. My multidisciplinary background has allowed me to excel in my professional career, managing and developing projects, being part of work teams, and demonstrating my leadership and cooperative work skills. I have also been a member of national and interdisciplinary teams across different autonomous communities in Spain. I have participated in five research projects and have deepened my expertise in experimental science research techniques. This has enabled me to undertake pioneering research in Spain and Europe, as confirmed by leading experts following my doctoral thesis and the results of my subsequent research.


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How to Cite

Tejero Claver, B., & Alarcón Martínez, V. (2024). Preventing child and adolescent suicide by working on stories. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–18.

