Bibliographic review of the informative treatment of COVID-19 in the Spanish press




COVID-19, coronavirus, pandemic, literature review, media, Spanish press, news coverage, health crisis


Introduction: The coronavirus pandemic has had a significant impact on Spanish media. The purpose of this research is to explore the scientific studies that have been conducted on the coverage of COVID-19 in the Spanish press, in order to understand how the media has addressed this unprecedented media phenomenon. Methodology: An exhaustive search has been conducted in scientific databases (Web of Science, Scopus, Dialnet, and Google Scholar), and the materials and methods used in the collected articles have been evaluated, as well as the country and language of publication. Results and Discussions: Twelve scientific articles have been obtained since 2020. Most have employed a content analysis methodology, focusing particularly on newspaper front pages. Additionally, the majority of the studies are written in Spanish and published in Spanish journals. Conclusions: The results obtained corroborate the existence of diverse and high-quality scientific publications on the study of the news coverage that COVID-19 has received in the Spanish press.


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Author Biography

Álvaro Ramos Ruiz, Loyola University Andalusia

Álvaro Ramos Ruiz holds a PhD in Audiovisual Communication and Journalism from the University of Granada (Spain) and a PhD in Linguistics from the Université Paris Cité (France). He currently teaches and researches at the Universidad Loyola Andalucía (Spain). He has published articles and book chapters in national and international journals and publishers. Her research focuses on the analysis of media discourse, especially in the study of information bias in the press. He has directed a research project and has participated as a speaker at various national and international conferences. He has also been the recipient of several predoctoral and postdoctoral research grants. In addition, he has collaborated in different media.


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How to Cite

Ramos Ruiz, Álvaro. (2024). Bibliographic review of the informative treatment of COVID-19 in the Spanish press. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–16.


