Comparative study on the impact of postgraduate student participation in the evaluation of the Management Skills course




assessment, management skills, postgraduate students, participation, grades, satisfaction, motivation, skills enhancement


Introduction: Within the context of convergence in the EHEA, it is necessary to promote training that considers the skills that students must acquire, with the consequent direct implications for teaching methodologies and assessment procedures. The general objective of the study is to analyse and compare the impact of student participation in the evaluation of the postgraduate course Management Skills, during two consecutive academic years, using the same methodology.  Methodology: In addition to the literature review, the methodology used consisted of the design and use of a rubric for the evaluation of the students' management skills, and the development of a closed and anonymous survey, using a Likert scale, which was provided to the total sample of Master's students in the two courses under study. Results and Discussions: Student participation in the evaluation process has been very positive, with an improvement in the grade for the practical part in the 2023-24 academic year, as well as an increase in motivation and satisfaction with the subject. The scarcity of existing literature on the subject has been highlighted. Conclusions: tudent participation in the assessment of the subject has a very positive impact on the grades. The students' perception is that it increases their satisfaction and motivation with the subject, as well as improving their management skills. 


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Author Biography

José María Biedma Ferrer, University of Cádiz

José María Biedma Ferrer is Associate Professor in the Department of Business Organisation at the University of Cadiz. He holds a PhD in Law from the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), a degree in Law from the University of Cadiz and a degree in Political Science from the UNED. He has extensive management experience in the financial sector. He has presented numerous papers and communications at national and international conferences related to the topic of entrepreneurship, human resources and information systems. In addition, he is the author of numerous books, book chapters and articles in national and international journals of recognised prestige on these topics. He has participated in OTRI contracts and in European research projects. He has been coordinator of the Master in Tourism Management.


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How to Cite

Biedma Ferrer, J. M. (2024). Comparative study on the impact of postgraduate student participation in the evaluation of the Management Skills course. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–18.


