Mindfulness and Emotional Competence in Primary Education: A Case Study





Qualitative analysis, Emotional competence, Personal development, Inner self, Primary Education, Basic education, Case study, Mindfulness


The practice of mindfulness in educational centers has seen a notable increase in recent years. Therefore, a case study is presented where the emotional competence of 5th grade Primary Education students is contrasted in their initial state and evolution throughout the academic year. It is carried out through a qualitative methodology that wants to know the attributions that the students make to their improvement in emotional competence through the practice of mindfulness. Revealing results appear on the importance that students give to the practice of mindfulness and moments of encounter with themselves. These are in line with other studies analyzed in similar contexts. Therefore, a longitudinal study is provided that encompasses a complete academic year, making it possible to have a broader perspective of study. The conclusions invite reflection on the need to provide the school with moments of introspection and inner personal development, while continuing to work on basic curricular content for the development of students.


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Author Biography

Nicolás Benesh Fernández-Miranda, Universidad a Distancia de Madrid

Doctor in Education from the University of Alcalá. Master in Secondary Teacher Training; Master in Psychopedagogy; Degree in Psychopedagogy; Degree in Primary Education Teaching; and Double Degree in Teaching Music Education and Foreign Language: English. His lines of research focus on educational innovation through the development of new methodologies and inclusive pedagogical approaches. Author of several research articles, book chapters and presentations in different and recognized international congresses. A teacher who loves formative teaching that facilitates the personal development of students.


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How to Cite

Benesh Fernández-Miranda, N. (2024). Mindfulness and Emotional Competence in Primary Education: A Case Study. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 11–16. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-389

