Algorithmic mediation: bias in the information search by university students




information search, algorithmic mediation, biases, critical thinking, saturation, anchor, availability, university students


Introduction: Internet information search is governed by web rules, requiring the mediation of a search algorithm. In this study, we aim to characterize the interaction between critical thinking and information saturation on the decisions of first-year students during information search processes, enabling the recognition of cognitive biases present in these decisions. Methodology: An experimental study was conducted with first-year students who completed three information search tasks. The GoNSA2 platform automatically recorded the search process traces for each task. Results: The main findings pertain to the operation of cognitive biases such as anchoring, ranking, and availability, which depend on the operation of critical thinking, information saturation, and the task context. Discussion: It is evident that the operation of biases depends on the combined interaction of critical thinking, information saturation, and the task context, making context a determinant of students' decisions. Conclusions: These findings support the importance of search models that enable new pedagogical strategies aimed at fostering critical information search competence.


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Author Biographies

Martha Vidal-Sepúlveda, Universidad Central de Chile

Professor of History and Geography (1999) from the University of Concepción, Master in Curriculum Development and Educational Projects (2014) from Universidad Andres Bello, and Doctor of Communication (2023) from the Austral University of Chile and the University of La Frontera. I conduct studies on digital literacy, digital citizenship, and the educommunicative issues that emerge in the process of problem-solving in educational contexts. Additionally, I analyze the media consumption behavior through information search and the influence of critical thinking on the behavior of young news readers. Finally, I carry out studies on teachers' digital competencies in the face of the emergence of Generative Artificial Intelligence.

Cristian Olivares-Rodríguez, Alberto Hurtado University

Computer Science Engineer (2006) from UCSC (Chile), Master in Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence (2010) from UAB (Spain), and Doctor in Engineering (2017) from the University of Deusto (Spain). Academic in data science and software engineering. I study models of use, appropriation, and co-production of technologies, particularly Artificial Intelligence. This interdisciplinary area combines elements of sociology, technology, communication, and knowledge management. It examines how technologies are adopted, adapted, and transformed by people and communities in various contexts, especially in relation to territorial management and development, considering that technologies are products of social processes but also shape these processes.


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How to Cite

Vidal-Sepúlveda, M., & Olivares-Rodríguez, C. (2024). Algorithmic mediation: bias in the information search by university students. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–18.


