Between the illegal and the permitted. Emigration from Ceuta to America, the case of Manuel Coello the African and Antonio de Leiva




Antonio de Leiva, Ceuta, Diego de Peñalosa, Emigration, Indies, Manuel Coello The African, modern age, Viceregal Era


Abstract: Introduction: The relations between Ceuta and America have been attended in a very punctual way from the scientific literature, nevertheless, it is glimpsed as one of the most interesting and versatile lines of investigation. In this study we make an approach to the state of the question and to the possibilities of analysis offered by the historical archives, focusing on the General Archive of the Indies. Methodology: An analysis and classification of the funds of this archive has been carried out in relation to the item "Ceuta". Subsequently, and following an analytical-descriptive line, two files corresponding to Manuel Coello el Africano and Antonio de Leiva have been analyzed. Results: The documentary analysis has allowed us to verify that the date established for the legalization of Ceuta's emigration was 1640, after its definitive annexation to Spain. Discussion: This research is a firm commitment to the study of the historical and cultural relations between Ceuta and America, laying the foundations for a research project that will allow us to make a more complete assessment of this reality. Conclusions: Of the 114 files reviewed we have attended to two cases that exemplify two models of emigration to the Indies, the illegal and the official, allowing us to explore new avenues of analysis.


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Author Biography

Guadalupe Romero-Sánchez, University of Granada

Lecturer in Didactics of Social Sciences. PhD in Art History. Currently co-directs the R+D+i ‘Vida cotidiana, sacralidad y arte en los pueblos de indios de la monarquía hispana (Altépetl)’, Reference PID2020-118314GB-I00 funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. She researches on the art of the Indian peoples in the Viceroyalty of Peru and the artistic and cultural relations between southern Spain and America. His work focuses on the analysis of the architecture and daily life of these communities, especially in New Granada, and on Indian patronage on both sides of the Atlantic. She is a member of the Instituto de Estudios Ceutíes and is currently Dean of the History and Archaeology Section.


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How to Cite

Romero-Sánchez, G. (2024). Between the illegal and the permitted. Emigration from Ceuta to America, the case of Manuel Coello the African and Antonio de Leiva. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–14.



Humanism and Social Sciences