‘AGalega.gal’: impact of a free over the top platform in Galician on the distribution of Galician Noir film genre





Galician Noir, Televisión de Galicia, platform, film genre, Galicia, over the top, Galician, Instagram


Introduction: In recent decades, Galicia has become a film set with its own genre, Galician Noir. Following the recent launch of the Galician over the top platform 'AGalega.gal', there is growing interest in analyzing its impact on the distribution of this genre. Methodology: Documentary examination of newspaper articles, Instagram posts, the operation of the 'AGalega.gal' platform, and a survey of 30 audiovisual professionals and 30 users without specific audiovisual training, aimed at clarifying the impact of the emergence of this distribution tool on the dissemination of Galician Noir content. Results: It was found that both profiles of respondents share a greater inclination to consume audiovisual products of the Galician Noir genre following the dissemination on social media of promotional pieces or texts related to the launch of the 'AGalega.gal' platform. Discussions: While the advent of this free distribution medium has been positively received, it is worth noting that the consulted group calls for functional improvements and an increase the catalog. Conclusions: The initial hypothesis is confirmed, in which a potential increase in the consumption of audiovisual products of the Galician Noir genre is linked to the launch of the 'AGalega.gal' platform.


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Author Biography

Silvia Villanueva Villanueva, University of Vigo

Advanced Sound Technician for Audiovisuals and Shows. Graduate in Audiovisual Communication. Master's Degree in Teaching of E.S.O., Bachillerato, F.P. and Language Teaching with a specialisation in Vocational Training in the Services Sector. PhD student in Communication at the University of Vigo. Content editor at Ficción Producciones S.L. for ‘Hora Galega’, a daily programme broadcast on Televisión de Galicia since 2022, which covers current affairs and events in the autonomous community of Galicia (Spain). Experience as a sound recordist in several external production formats for Televisión de Galicia: ‘Luar’, ‘Bamboleo’, ‘Land Rober’, ‘Pequenos Fenómenos’, ‘Aquí Hai Praia’, ‘Malicia Noticias’, ‘A voltas co prato’, ‘Quen Anda Aí?’ and ‘Quen Anda Aí? Verán’


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How to Cite

Villanueva Villanueva, S. (2024). ‘AGalega.gal’: impact of a free over the top platform in Galician on the distribution of Galician Noir film genre . European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–17. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-411

