Work context and gender, differentiators of leadership style




managerial styles, gender, organisational context, leadership, occupation, competitiveness, stereotyping


Introduction: The influence of gender on leadership styles is a complex issue. Historically, gender stereotypes have been perpetuated, associating men with traits such as assertiveness, decisiveness and competitiveness; and women with qualities such as empathy, collaboration and affection. The aim of this study is to analyse types of leadership and the ability to apply it to different situations according to the variables of type of work and gender. Methodology: A descriptive non-experimental cross-sectional study was carried out on a sample of 617 people. The LJI-2 scale was applied. Leadership Judgement Indicator scale was used to assess four leadership styles and the ability to apply it to different situations. Results: Differences were found between men and women in terms of the type of company and level of education. Significant differences were found in the management styles, the directive, consultative and delegatory styles among men, and consensual among women. Of note is the negative correlation, in women, between directive and delegatory styles Discussion: individual leadership styles are influenced by an interaction of personal experiences, cultural norms and organisational contexts. Conclusions: Differences in leadership style are observed as a function of gender and types of work.


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Author Biographies

Carla Bueno de la Fuente, University of Burgos

Graduate in Law and Criminology. Doctoral candidate at the University of Burgos (Spain). Master in Legal Tech and Energy Regulation from CEU San Pablo University - Cremades & Calvo-Sotelo Program. Certified in M&A operations: commercial and tax aspects of mergers and acquisitions. Completed the Leadership Essentials Program by the Center for Creative Leadership. Collaborates with the University of Burgos (Spain), delivering various workshops on "The Profession of Law and Criminology" and "Cybersecurity, Data Protection, and Online Dangers" in the Expert Course for Young People with Intellectual Disabilities, part of the Youth Employment Program co-financed by the European Social Fund+ 2021-2027. She has participated in various national and international conferences and scientific meetings.

Raquel De la Fuente Anuncibay, University of Burgos

Professor at the University of Burgos, Department of Education Sciences. She leads the recognized research group DISCONDU (“Disability and Behavior”) and the Research, Innovation, and Inclusion group. She has supervised numerous doctoral theses and participated as Principal Investigator (PI) and collaborator in various research projects and contracts. She has participated in numerous national and international conferences and has a significant number of publications in impactful books and journals. She is a reviewer for prestigious journals and publishing houses. She co-directs the UBU-Inclusión expert course within the framework of the Call for the Development of University Training Programs for Employment aimed at young people with intellectual disabilities, developmental disabilities, and/or autism spectrum disorders registered in the National Youth Guarantee System. She has been involved in the Unidiversidad Program since 2017.


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How to Cite

Bueno de la Fuente, C., & De la Fuente Anuncibay, R. (2024). Work context and gender, differentiators of leadership style . European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–17.

