From cruises to Norway to beach trains. Advertising and tourism in Sevilla (1930-1936)




Seville, Tourism, 1930s, Advertising, Press, Holidays, Travel, Lisure


Introduction: The objective of this research is to determine the typology of the tourist offer aimed at Sevillian travelers of the time, what destinations and what motivation was offered to them to travel. Methodology: We have used a double methodology, the first of a quantitative type, with 106 press announcements collected; and subsequently we have applied the qualitative content analysis. Results: We have catalogued six different types of tourist offer: health tourism in spas, maritime cruises, religious tourism, hotel offer, beach destinations and event tourism. Conclusions: In a context of serious economic crisis that affected the city after the 1929 Exhibition, there was a varied tourist offer, aimed mostly at the classes with high purchasing power, and a minimal offer aimed at the popular classes, limited to short trips to the beaches of Huelva and Cádiz.


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Author Biographies

Juan Carlos Rodríguez Centeno, University of Seville

Full Professor since 2009. Director of the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising (2014-2022). Research interests: Advertising and persuasive communication, history of advertising and tourism, and music and popular culture.

Isabel Jorquera Fuertes, Centro Universitario EUSA.

Professor at the EUSA University Center. Specialist in advertising creativity, history of advertising, propaganda and tourism, and popular culture.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Centeno, J. C., & Jorquera Fuertes, I. (2024). From cruises to Norway to beach trains. Advertising and tourism in Sevilla (1930-1936). European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–17.



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