Information coverage of COP28 and the ECODES decalogue in the newspapers El Mundo, El Español and El País




climate change, ECODES decalogue, disinformation, denialism, risk society, COP28, sustainability, digital newspapers


Introduction: This work in the situation of global climate emergency that we are currently experiencing, and its fundamental objective is to know how the three spanish generalist digital newspapers with the largest audience –El Mundo, El Español y El País– have constructed the stories about the 28th Conference of the United Nations on Climate Change (COP28), held at the end of 2023 in Dubai. Methodology: We have a content analysis, qualitative and quantitative, based on observance of the “Decalogue of recommendations for reporting on climate change” –prepared by the Fundación Ecología y Desarrollo (ECODES) and the Research Group Dialectical Mediation of Social Communication– by the three mentioned newspapers. Results: The analysis has allowed us to verify that the information about COP28, published by the media analyzed, only partially observes the recommendations of the ECODES decalogue for reporting on climate change. Conclusions: The importance of the exercise of journalism is evident from the social responsibility that communication professionals have when approaching their work, especially when we talk about emergency situations, like in this case.


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Author Biographies

José Luis Martín Sáez, Rey Juan Carlos University

Visiting Professor at the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, in the Department of Journalism and Corporate Communication, where he teaches subjects related mainly to television and information visualization. Accredited by ANECA as a contracted doctor professor, his main lines of research are information disorders, disinformation and the social responsibility of journalists. Currently, he is part of the High Performance Research Group in Communication and Minors (COMKIDS).

María Eugenia Lozano López, Rey Juan Carlos University

Visiting Professor at the Department of Journalism and Corporate Communication of the Faculty of Communication Sciences at the URJC. PhD in Legal and Social Sciences. She teaches subjects related to television and multimedia journalism. She is co-director of the Master's Degree in Digital Journalism and New Professional Profiles at the URJC. As a researcher, her area of ​​specialization is public media. She is part of the University Research Group on Mediation and Communication (GUIMEDCOM), within the UNESCO Chair of Communication Research at the Rey Juan Carlos University. A journalist with extensive experience in television. She has been a member of the Board of Directors of Radio Televisión Madrid.

Yolanda Ortiz de Guinea Ayala, Rey Juan Carlos University

Interim Professor in the Department of Journalism and Corporate Communication of the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the URJC. Graduate and PhD in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid. Currently, she is a researcher at the UNESCO Chair of Communication Research and of the high-performance research groups COMMRADES and GUIMEDCOM of the URJC, as well as the Teaching Research Group 2023 COMOJO. Currently, she is Academic Secretary of the Department of Journalism and Corporate Communication of the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the URJC.


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How to Cite

Martín Sáez, J. L., Lozano López, M. E., & Ortiz de Guinea Ayala, Y. (2024). Information coverage of COP28 and the ECODES decalogue in the newspapers El Mundo, El Español and El País. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–18.


