Conventional work versus teleworking: case study in a public university in Argentina




teleworking, methodology, Telework Efficiency Index (TEi), university, administration, technology, organization


Introduction: the General Sarmiento National University of Argentina assumes the challenge of advancing in a modernization project for all administrative and academic management activities through a 100% teleworking scheme. Methodology: based on a pilot test of partial teleworking, an evaluation is carried out for the full implementation of the modality, using the design of a teleworking efficiency index as a diagnostic instrument. Results: the results obtained from the teleworking efficiency index will facilitate the design of a staged program for the implementation of teleworking for all non-teaching staff of the House of Higher Studies.  Discussion: the challenge of implementing 100% teleworking for non-teaching staff was perceived with quite enthusiasm in general terms, although some staff show some resistance to a possible change in the usual way of working. Conclusions: the results obtained from the field work allow us to adopt a collective consciousness willing to advance in a modernization project that includes more than 400 people involved in this transition of work scheme.


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Author Biography

Gabriel Gustavo Maresca, Euncet Business School

Ph.D. in Economic Sciences (University of Barcelona, Spain – National University of La Matanza, Argentina), a degree in Industrial Engineering (UADE, Argentina), and a Bachelor's degree in Production Organization (UADE, Argentina). He completed a postgraduate program in Creativity and Innovation with Foundations in Neuroscience (ITBA, Argentina). He is a researcher with the CLACSO Latin America Working Group on “The Future of Work and Care for Our Common Home.” Currently, he is a professor and researcher in undergraduate and postgraduate programs at Euncet Business School (Spain). He has extensive experience as an associate and adjunct professor at Carlemany University (Andorra), Universidad Argentina de la Empresa (Argentina), and Universidad Nacional de Avellaneda (Argentina), among others. He served as Director of the Industrial Engineering program at UdeMM (Argentina) and Director of the Specialization in Industry 4.0 Development at UNDAV (Argentina). He has several publications in scientific journals and is the author of books. Additionally, he works in the private sector with various commercial ventures.


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How to Cite

Maresca, G. G. (2024). Conventional work versus teleworking: case study in a public university in Argentina. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–22.


