Guidance in the teaching-learning process of Vocational Training students in Mexico




learning, self-motivation, questionnaire, empathy, vocational training, mixed methodology, orientation, responsibility


Introduction: The problems detected in Vocational Training, the abandonment of studies, the lack of skills for lifelong training, and the initiative for self-guidance, have led to the formulation of the general objective, to analyze the self-perception of the students in relation to with guidance on curricular and work training and the necessary skills for the development of training and professional itineraries. Methodology: Mixed methodological design, implementing a structured questionnaire to guide self-orientation, in a non-probabilistic sample of 60 students (n=60), from the Autonomous University of Hidalgo (Mexico). Results: 94% of the students perceive intrinsic motivation to face the difficulty of the teaching-learning process, with the Pearson correlation coefficient being r=.425 between the necessary efforts and the expected academic results. Discussions: Self-motivation to assume the necessary responsibility in dealing with procrastination, it being a mistake to focus on motivation as a factor that must come from external agents. Conclusions: The main finding of this research is related to the students' prospecting effort, through empathetic listening and social interaction, to strengthen the attitude of planning in the long-term learning process.


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Author Biography

Jesús Cuevas, Universidad de Zaragoza

Assistant Professor at the Department of Specific Didactics, Faculty of Education, University of Zaragoza (Spain). Degree in Political Science and Sociology, PhD in Education from the University of Zaragoza. Currently professional category Assistant Professor to Doctor. Professor in the Master in Teaching, Faculty of Education, University of Zaragoza (Spain). Research group S50_23R: ARGOS. Institute of Environmental Sciences IUCA. Lines of research: didactics of social sciences, sustainable development and social responsibility in vocational training, innovation and entrepreneurship and didactics of digital competence in university students.


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How to Cite

Cuevas, J. (2024). Guidance in the teaching-learning process of Vocational Training students in Mexico . European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–17.


