The implementation of integrity management policies at the local level

the case of the Valencian Community




institutional integrity, coercion, local administration, public policies, isomorphism, legitimacy, innovation, legislation


Introduction: In recent decades, the management of institutional integrity has attracted significant interest in the context of questioning democratic institutions. The aim of this article is to characterize the public integrity policies implemented by 65 town councils with more than 5000 inhabitants in the Valencian Community. Methodology: This methodology used a survey of key local informants. Fieldwork was carried out between November 1, 2023, and March 31, 2024. Results: The survey incorporated items related to integrity and corruption management policies, reasons for implementation, problems encountered, and measures implemented based on the classification developed by Aldeguer et al. (2020). Discussion: The main motive for implementing ethics and integrity management systems in local administrations is legislation of a binding and coercive nature, with isomorphic tendencies that facilitate their execution. Conclusions:  Habitat size constitutes a determining factor in the normalization, standardization, and institutionalization of the local integrity system.


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Author Biographies

María Ángeles Abellán-López, University of Valencia

Professor in the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology and researcher at the University Institute of Creativity and Educational Innovations of the University of Valencia. PhD in Law, extraordinary doctorate award from the University of Alicante and degree in Political Science and Sociology. Author of publications, researcher in projects and member of committees and editorial boards. Her current lines of research include public management, governance, citizen participation and democratic education.

Juli Antonio Aguado-Hernández, University of Valencia

Assistant Professor at the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology of the Universitat de València. PhD in Sociology, UV. Degree in Political Science and Sociology, UNED. Member of the Inter-University Institute of Local Development (IIDL), member of the Research Group on Territorial Development of the UV (GRIDET). Current lines of research: local development and social research methods and techniques, public social responsibility (social clauses); citizen participation, social movements and civil disobedience.

Gonzalo Pardo-Beneyto, University of Valencia

Assistant Professor at the Department of Constitutional Law, Political Science and Administration of the Universitat de València. PhD in Law, UA. Degree in Political Science and Administration, UMH. Author of publications and researcher in projects. His current lines of research include public management, governance, local administration, citizen participation and innovation.


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How to Cite

Abellán-López, M. Ángeles, Aguado-Hernández, J. A., & Pardo-Beneyto, G. (2024). The implementation of integrity management policies at the local level: the case of the Valencian Community. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–21.



Humanism and Social Sciences

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