Teachers' tolerance to ambiguity: A systematic review





ambiguity, diversity, education, learning, multiculturalism, additional language, teaching, tolerance


Introduction: Globalisation and human mobility have enriched diversity in classrooms, posing challenges for educators in multicultural and multilingual contexts. This article explores the crucial role of tolerance for ambiguity in language teaching, examining teachers’ preparedness to handle linguistic uncertainty. Methodology: Through a systematic documentary review, the relationship between educators’ tolerance for ambiguity and students’ success in language learning is investigated. Selected bibliographic sources were selected and analysed in detail to identify themes, methodological approaches, and relevant findings. Discussions: Thus, the need to promote an adaptive and flexible approach in language teaching is emphasised, preparing teachers to face the challenges of linguistic diversity with confidence and effectiveness.



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Author Biography

Beatriz Peña-Acuña, University of Huelva

Full Professor. Member of the COIDESO Research Center and the ReaLl research group at the University of Huelva. Director of the scientific journal Linguo didáctica. Former Vice-Dean. Interdisciplinary training in Education, Communication and Humanities. Extraordinary Doctorate Award (2012). She has participated in international and national projects and transfer contracts. SEPIE expert evaluator. She has a prolific scientific production. She has received several international awards.


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How to Cite

Peña-Acuña, B. (2024). Teachers’ tolerance to ambiguity: A systematic review. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–15. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-461




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