The quality of family participation processes in play centers as an element of adaptation to dynamic environments




Parental participation, Playroom, Game, Evaluation, Child development, Delphi, Quality management, Indicators


Introduction: Quality management in toy libraries is a little explored scenario, compared to other types of socio-community services that have been the subject of analysis recently, thus translating into improvements in their organization and in the services they offer. Therefore, the starting point of this work is based on the absence of previous research that evaluates the role played by toy libraries in children's learning. Methodology: Through the application of the Delphi technique, the aim is to design and validate a guide of indicators focused on assessing and promoting family participation in toy libraries as a quality reference, to promote a process of continuous improvement. Results: This guide is structured in 6 areas, articulated in 22 standards and 55 quality indicators. Discussions: The main limitation has been the absence of established quality processes, as well as instruments that could facilitate the configuration of initiatives and programs that would value the involvement of families in toy libraries. Conclusions: This work contemplates the need to facilitate that involvement and thus optimize the actions aimed at their correct integration into the environment, contributing decisively to child development and education for citizenship.


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Author Biographies

Eva_María Lopez Perea, Universidad de Burgos

She holds a PhD in Educational Sciences from the University of Burgos, where she obtained the distinction of Outstanding Cum Laude in 2018, and a degree in Pedagogy since 2008. Currently, she works as a contract doctoral professor in the Department of Educational Sciences at the same university. Her main lines of research include neurodidactics and quality of socio-community services. She has presented more than 40 communications in national and international conferences and has published numerous articles and book chapters, highlighting those indexed in WOS and Scopus (JCR), as well as in prestigious publishing houses, focused on community development, sociocultural animation and teaching-learning processes in various educational stages.

María Diez-Ojeda, Universidad de Burgos

She holds a PhD in Experimental Sciences, with a specialization in Environmental Science and Engineering from the University of Burgos. She currently teaches in the area of Didactics of Experimental Sciences in the Faculty of Education at the same university. In addition, she is coordinator of the children and primary area at the Science and Technology Station of Burgos and collaborates with the Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit of the University of Burgos. As principal investigator, she has led numerous national and international competitive projects. Her lines of research focus on the initial training of teachers in science education and the promotion of scientific vocations from the STEAM approach.

Nuria Alonso-Alcalde, Universidad de Burgos

She holds a PhD in Education Sciences from the University of Burgos, where she also obtained a degree in Pedagogy and a diploma in Social Education. In addition, she is a University Specialist in Social Services, with a focus on the elderly, people with severe mental disorders and immigrants. Currently, she is an Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Sciences at the University of Burgos and has experience as a Child Care Technician and Educator of people with functional diversity. Her lines of research include volunteering and prosocial behavior, people with disabilities, and children at risk of social exclusion.

Vanesa Baños Martínez, Universidad de Burgos

She holds a PhD in Educational Sciences from the University of Burgos, where she also obtained a degree in Pedagogy. Currently, she works as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Educational Sciences of the same university. In addition, she coordinates the Senior Training Programs and directs FAPSA (Future Advanced Pedagogy Skills Academy). Her main lines of research focus on active aging, university training for the elderly and preparation for retirement.


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How to Cite

Lopez Perea, E., Diez-Ojeda, M., Alonso-Alcalde, N., & Baños Martínez, V. (2024). The quality of family participation processes in play centers as an element of adaptation to dynamic environments. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–18.

