The impact of the digital age on English learning for older adults




ICT, learning, motivation, older adults, English as a foreign language, Senior University, cognitive improvement, Granada


Introduction: This study aims to analyze the perception of older adults regarding the integration of ICT in the English classroom environment to understand how learning English in the digital age can empower older adults, overcome language barriers, and promote greater social integration. Methodology: The sample consists of older adults attending the Permanent Classroom for Older Adults at the University of Granada in Granada and Melilla, Spain. This mixed-method study was conducted through a questionnaire, involving 24 participants aged 58 to 77 who have taken the English I, English II, and English III. Results: Based on data analysis, it can be concluded that despite certain physical and cognitive weaknesses and some linguistic and social threats, the participants in this study show that learning English generates significant intrinsic motivation. Conclusions: This results in cognitive strengths, as well as social and linguistic opportunities that help them integrate socially, with personal satisfaction being a key aspect of this learning process.


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Author Biographies

Nazaret Martínez Heredia, University of Granada

PhD in Educational Sciences (University of Granada). Assistant Professor of the Department of Pedagogy of the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Granada (Spain). Member of the Research Group PESEVA, “Social Pedagogy and Education in Values” (HUM-1073) of the University of Granada. Previously FPU (University Teacher Training) and Postdoc in the same Department. Her lines of research are related to gender studies and violence, values, education for death and elderly people.

Gracia González-Gijón, University of Granada

Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Faculty of Education Sciences, University of Granada, Spain. Secretary of the Department of Pedagogy. Director of the Research Group PESEVA, “Social Pedagogy and Values Education” (HUM-1073) and member of the Institute of Peace and Conflicts (IPAZ) of the University of Granada. She coordinates and participates in the Iberoamerican Network REDIFAC. Her lines of research are related to gender and violence studies, cultural diversity and values in young people and she is Principal Investigator of several projects that develop these lines.

José Luis Ortega-Martín, University of Granada

Professor of the Department of Language and Literature Didactics at the University of Granada (Spain). Director of the Research Group in Didactics of Foreign Languages (HUM-1011). Member of the scientific committee of several international journals, he has lectured and taught in more than 10 European, American and Asian universities. In terms of publications, he has written and participated in more than seventy papers, including books, book chapters and several articles related to bilingualism, teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL), teacher training, classroom management, motivation, among other topics. Currently, he coordinates several research projects and is Scientific Director at Common Ground Research Network.

Silvia Corral-Robles, University of Granada

Associate Professor in the Department of Language and Literature Didactics at the University of Granada (Spain). She is a member of the Research Group 'Didactics of Foreign Languages' (HUM-1011). She has participated in national and international conferences and has written numerous publications on the teaching of English as a foreign language. She has also participated in several research and teaching innovation projects. Her research interests revolve around active methodologies and the integration of ICT to promote inclusion and cultural diversity in the English classroom.


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How to Cite

Martínez Heredia, N., González-Gijón, G., Ortega-Martín, J. L., & Corral-Robles, S. (2024). The impact of the digital age on English learning for older adults. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–15.




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