Bibliometric analysis of the classrooms of the future in education




future classrooms, education, bibliometric study, future classroom lab, educational innovation, active methodology, scientific publications, emerging technologies


Introduction: The classrooms of the future are presented as dynamic and transformative spaces, where technological innovation, new pedagogical methodologies and the vision of a society in constant evolution converge. Methodology: The results obtained in this research were obtained from WoS and Scopus. Results: The analysis of the results of this study will be grouped into three dimensions according to the study variables related to productivity: document typology and temporal distribution; language and areas of publication; countries and institutions; articles, citations, keywords and concurrence. This makes it easier to present the results obtained and to organise them in a clearer and more systematic way. Discussion: More and more research is being carried out on this subject and it is possible to predict an exponential growth in the coming years, which will benefit educational centres. Conclusions: The objective has been to study the scientific production on the classrooms of the future in education in two of the scientific databases with the greatest impact on the scientific community (WoS and Scopus). With the results obtained, it is possible to show the current situation (2019-2024) of research in this field.


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Author Biography

Alejandro Fernández-Pacheco García, University of Castilla-La Mancha

PhD Cum laude in Research in Humanities, Arts and Education from the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM), with the thesis “Image of the Primary Education teacher on the use and usefulness of robotics as an educational resource in the classroom”. Master's Degree with Diploma of Excellence in Strategies and Technologies for the Teaching Function in the Multicultural Society by the National University of Distance Education (UNED). Graduate in Primary Education with mention in TICE by the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM). University expert in educational technology, in digital tablets and smartphones as educational resources in the classroom, and in educational robotics and visual programming by blocks in Primary and Secondary Education.


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How to Cite

Fernández-Pacheco García, A. (2024). Bibliometric analysis of the classrooms of the future in education. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–19.

