Cinema “acting” as a journalistic enterprise: the thematic agenda in media films




Agenda setting, thematic agenda, journalism, cinema, mass-media, film and education, media literacy, educommunication


Introduction: The plots, stories and fictional characters in films reflect the image we have of journalists and the media. However, each has its own interests when it comes to selecting and disseminating which topics to cover. This leads us to ask ourselves whether this agenda setting or thematic agenda of journalism professionals coincides with the agenda reflected by the film industry in films. Aims and Methodology: The aim of this study is to explore the relationship between the thematic agenda of journalists and that reflected in films about cinema and the media. The content analysis method is applied by means of the integrative metasynthesis of the descriptors of the films in the Educommunication database in its Cinema and Education section (early cinema until 2021), which is made up of 290 films. Results: The sample reveals that the selection of journalistic content in the films points to an agenda dominated by news, social, society and entertainment topics. Discussion: The films reflect a journalism of banal and sensationalist content, with little room for economic, sports, cultural or health issues. The industry prioritises an attractive fictional product over descriptive and real journalism.


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Author Biography

Montserrat Jurado-Martín, Miguel Hernández University of Elche

Montserrat Jurado Martín is a full professor at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche. D. and BA in Journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid; Master in Management of Educational Centers from the CEU Cardenal Herrera University. She is an expert in the study of cultural industries, film festivals, cultural journalism, media literacy, information theories, disinformation. She has published several articles in journals such as Visual Review, Historia y Comunicación Social, Index Comunicación, Estudios sobre el mensaje Periodístico, Secuencias, Sphera Pública, Revista Mediterránea Comunicación, among others. Member of the Research Group of the Valencian Community, editor-in-chief of the Miguel Hernández Communication Journal. President of the Asociación Plataforma de Revistas de Comunicación Social.


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How to Cite

Jurado-Martín, M. (2024). Cinema “acting” as a journalistic enterprise: the thematic agenda in media films. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–20.

