Misinformation, credibility and Covid-19: the case of "Horizonte" program





infodemic, misinformation, Covid-19, “Horizonte” program, discourse strategies, framing, credibility, social responsibility


Introduction: As a result of the current environmental conditions –technological, sociological and economic– the "virus" of disinformation is now being transmitted and infected at a speed never before seen. So much so that the Covid-19 pandemic has introduced a new term into the communication ecosystem: infodemic. The main objective of this research is to find out what discursive strategies have been used on television program “Horizonte” in dealing with information about this global health emergency situation. Methodology: A qualitative content analysis has been applied, focused on the interventions of the presenter and director of this television program, and based on tools for the examination of discursive strategies and framing validated and used in numerous studies. Results: The analysis of the results shows that the stories about both issues were structured on discursive strategies that appeal to the credibility of the program, its guests and its host, to validate the speech. Conclusions: The main findings reflect the need for media professionals to be aware of their social responsibility as shapers of public opinion, especially when dealing with health-related issues.


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Author Biographies

José Luis Martín Sáez, Rey Juan Carlos University

Visiting Professor at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid, in the Department of Journalism and Corporate Communication, where he teaches subjects related mainly to television and information visualization. Accredited by ANECA (Spanish National Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation) as a PhD Professor, his main lines of research are information disorders, disinformation and the social responsibility of journalists. He is currently part of the High Performance Research Group on Communication and Children (COMKIDS).

Francisco Javier Miranda García, Rey Juan Carlos University

Assistant Professor at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, in the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising. Audiovisual technician with extensive experience in filming, production and postproduction of educational videos and MOOC. Regarding his experience as a teacher, he has been teaching for nine years on topics always related to the audiovisual and journalist universe. She specializes in both classroom and online pedagogy. Among the subjects she has taught, the following stand out: “Audiovisual Production: Cinema”, ‘Audiovisual Production: Television’, ‘Audiovisual Technologies: Camera and Sound’, ‘Creation of main and secondary characters’ and ‘Audiovisual Script’. His lines of research are related to cinema, television and educational video.


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How to Cite

Martín Sáez, J. L., & Miranda García, F. J. (2024). Misinformation, credibility and Covid-19: the case of "Horizonte" program . European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–16. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-509


