Journalistic narrative on poverty reduction in Guizhou, China (2013-2020): its social representations




social representations, poverty alleviation plan, People's Daily, content analysis, Guizhou-China, Xi Jinping, informative treatment, poverty


Introduction: The Chinese government in 2013 proposed achieving a moderately prosperous society by 2020 and in January 2021 it was declared achieved. This work studies the journalistic narrative of the People's Daily about the Plan and the Guizhou Province. Methodology: A quantitative and qualitative analysis of words, themes, concepts and attitudes present in these texts was carried out, covering information published in 2013 (beginning of the Plan), 2017 (halfway) and 2020 (closing). Results: We verified the absence of studies that delve into these issues, the government version leaves aside the voice of the recipient population and the journalistic coverage evolved with the development of the projects. The emotional tone registers little difference from one date to another. Discussion: The research provides knowledge about the treatment that the media gave to the poverty alleviation program and offers insights that can be applied in a broader context. Conclusions: The journalistic discourse is very general at the beginning of the plan, but later it becomes more detailed. The official media reports coincide with the government's focus points and it is at the end of the period that a more humanized representation of the stories is observed.


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Author Biographies

Carmen Aidé Valecillos Vázquez, Complutense University of Madrid

D. in Social Communication from the Complutense University of Madrid (2014), with a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Social Communication and Political Science from the University of Los Andes, Venezuela. She is an associate professor at UCM, accredited by ANECA as Assistant Doctor. She has taught in three areas of knowledge: Communication Theory, Methodology and Journalism Education. She was a professor at the Universidad de Los Andes and coordinator of journalism programs. Director of TFG and TFM, principal investigator of two research projects funded by the ULA; she is currently part of the research group Social Identities and Communication at UCM. Her lines of research are journalism, political discourse and social representations.

Ao Zhang, Complutense University of Madrid

Graduated in 2021 from the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Jilin University, China. From 2021 to 2022 he worked as a Public Relations specialist for a multinational company in Mexico and Argentina. From 2022 to 2024 he studied a Master's degree in Social Communication at the Complutense University of Madrid, focusing his research on media and culture.


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How to Cite

Valecillos Vázquez, C. A., & Zhang, A. (2024). Journalistic narrative on poverty reduction in Guizhou, China (2013-2020): its social representations. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–20.


