The role of stereotypes in gender performance in science. What PISA tells us




science, mathematics, reading, gender, gender differences, gender stereotypes, PISA, education


Introduction: Sex differences in PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) follow a generalised pattern. Boys perform better in mathematics but worse in reading literacy and girls perform better in reading literacy but worse in mathematics. The present study aims to assess whether there is a gender gap in science achievement in Spanish results. Methodology: First, a literature review of the last 25 years has been carried out. Subsequently, a multisectoral analysis of the results of all Spanish students in PISA over its eight editions is used. Results: There are no gender differences in science scores in Spain as a whole. Discussion: Our results are in line with the findings presented by the most current literature. Conclusions: It highlights the importance of enhancing the necessary interventions to foster the equality observed in science results in the choice of subsequent studies and careers in women, and the importance of improving educational policies and social attitudes to reduce the gender gap in mathematics and reading through the deconstruction of stereotypes.



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Author Biography

Silvia Fuentes De Frutos, International University of La Rioja

PhD in Psychology and accredited by ANECA as Associate Professor. Master in Human Resources Management. 20 years of teaching experience, nationally and internationally, at different educational levels: infant, primary, secondary and university. Research experience in the field of Neurotoxicology and, more recently, in the field of Educational Psychology and Social Psychology. Specifically, her current research focuses on motivational factors that influence the work of teachers, and gender differences in relation to academic performance in children and adolescents. She combines her teaching and research experience between two countries, Spain (UNIR) and France (IESEG, ESSCA).


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How to Cite

Fuentes De Frutos, S. (2024). The role of stereotypes in gender performance in science. What PISA tells us. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–12.



Humanism and Social Sciences