Professional Communication skills in English and with audiovisual format




collaborative learning, self-assessment, transversal learning, English for Specific Purposes, communication strategies, audiovisual content, SDG


Introduction: We live in the age of communication, but oral presentations by students in the university educational context are still under-represented. This project aims to address this gap by establishing a practical framework to enhance the oral communication skills of fourth-year engineering students in English. Methodology: In this regard, students from three engineering schools - in three different areas, i.e. Topography, Agronomy and Computer Science- of the Technical University of Madrid (UPM) have to conceive an original technical project aimed at addressing one or more of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The work involves a series of phases including team building, research, selection of the topic and the development of a proposal. To complete this activity, the teams produce a video (1-3 minutes) in which they illustrate in English the subject and proposed solutions. The presentations are evaluated by peers and the teacher by using a rubric that assesses different elements related to linguistic expression, body language, as well as the content of the performance. Results: Preliminary results show that this type of task would be able to enhance student participation, help to foster communicative skills, reinforce learning, and strengthen students’ critical spirit.


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Author Biographies

Arsenio Andrades Moreno, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Degree in English Philology and Translation and Interpreting (University of Granada) and PhD in English Linguistics (Complutense University of Madrid). He teaches English for Academic and Professional Communication (EPAC) in several Engineering degrees at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. He is a research member of TRADAVAL, Audiovisual Translation and Linguistic Accessibility, at UCM. His main lines of research are corpus linguistics, English for specific purposes, audiovisual translation and legal phraseology.

Ángela Sáenz Herrero, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Degree in English Philology and DEA in Translation and Interpreting (University of Valladolid) and PhD in English Linguistics (Complutense University of Madrid). She is a lecturer in the Department of Applied Linguistics in Science and Technology at the UPM. She is a research member of TRADAVAL, Audiovisual Translation and Linguistic Accessibility, at the UCM.

Antonio Martínez Sáez, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Degree in English Philology, Degree in Translation and Interpreting, Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Secondary Education (Universitat de València) and PhD in Applied Linguistics (Universitat Politècnica de València). He is a professor in the Department of Applied Linguistics for Science and Technology at the UPM. His main lines of work and research are English for Specific Purposes, Computer Assisted Language Learning and the design and implementation of virtual exchanges in higher education.


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How to Cite

Andrades Moreno, A., Sáenz Herrero, Ángela, & Martínez Sáez, A. (2024). Professional Communication skills in English and with audiovisual format. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–18.


