Beyond the here and now. A commitment to the quality of live television




television, news program, live, informative quality, legal treatment, journalism, news, information


Introduction: This paper proposes a pattern of analysis to assess the informative quality of live news broadcasts. More specifically, it proposes a study model that evaluates the legal and journalistic treatment of live information in Spanish generalist television news programs. Methodology: In order to elaborate it, a review of the different approaches that have previously evaluated the quality of news programs and, specifically, of live coverage has been carried out. On this basis, a model based on the content analysis method was designed with a descriptive purpose. Thus, seven indicators have been used to classify and evaluate the content of this news format: the essence of the live coverage, its degree of depth, the legal treatment of the information, the duration, the treatment of the sources, the updating and the origin of the information. For the rating, in most cases, an ordinal scale with three values has been chosen: high, medium and low. This measure allows a hierarchical ranking according to a criterion. Results and Discussion: The result is a model with which not only the journalistic quality of live television programs can be measured, but also their professional diligence from a legal point of view.


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Author Biographies

Ana Zulima Iglesias Cruz, Pontifical University of Salamanca

Professor at the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca where she teaches various subjects related to the audiovisual field. She has been accredited as a Contratada Doctora and Private University Lecturer by ACSUCYL since 2010. Since 2008, she has been a member of the editorial committee of the scientific journal Signo y Pensamiento. She has been Deputy Director of the Office for the Transfer of Research Results and Coordinator of the Bachelor's Degree in Journalism. After being President of the Quality Assurance Committee of this Degree, she is now a member of this Committee. She is currently coordinator of International Relations at this University. She has participated in several research projects and conferences on audiovisual information, and has several publications on the subject. Previously, she was professionally linked to audiovisual companies such as RTVE.

Mercedes Ramos Gutiérrez, Pontifical University of Salamanca

She holds a law degree from the University of Salamanca. She holds a PhD in Law from the same institution. She is a professor at the Faculty of Communication of the UPSA, where she has specialized in Information Law, Audiovisual Law, Advertising Law, Competition Law and Industrial Property. She teaches in the degrees of Audiovisual Communication, Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations, Marketing and Communication. He also teaches in master's degrees and courses in these fields. She has participated in several research projects, educational innovation projects and congresses related to Law and Communication, and is the author of publications related to this field.

Nuria Quintana Paz, Pontifical University of Salamanca

Nuria Quintana Paz is a full professor at the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca in the field of Communication and Television Information. Since 2000, she has been a contract professor in the Faculty of Communication. Currently, she is coordinator of the Degree in Journalism and president of the Quality Committee of the Degree. She is accredited, since 2008, by ACSUCYL. By the same external quality agency, she has obtained the Excellent qualification in the Docentia program. Her main lines of research are audiovisual information and television communication. Author of more than 40 scientific texts, she has a six-year research period. She has participated as a researcher in several national research projects and is an evaluator of the National Agency of Evaluation and Prospective.


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How to Cite

Iglesias Cruz, A. Z., Ramos Gutiérrez, M., & Quintana Paz, N. (2025). Beyond the here and now. A commitment to the quality of live television. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–18.


