Working Capital Financing and Competitiveness: A Study of SMEs in the Metropolitan District of Quito, Ecuador




Strategy, Financing, Competitivines, SMEs, Working capital, Manofacturer, DMQ, Leverage


Introduction : The research examined the relationship between working capital financing strategies and competitiveness strategies in SMEs in the manufacturing sector in DMQ, Ecuador. Methodology : A mixed-method approach was employed with a non-experimental, cross-sectional, and longitudinal design, using a sample of 344 companies. Results: The results indicate that SMEs during the 2020-2022 period, due to economic instability, predominantly adopted a conservative financing strategy. Discussion :The prevailing competitiveness strategy among these companies is cost leadership. Furthermore, statistical analysis revealed that there is no strong, direct, and significant relationship between the study variables. It is concluded that during economic instability, companies adopt a conservative financing strategy to minimize risks and ensure operational solvency. Conclusions : Conversely, during economic recovery, they adopt an aggressive approach to capitalize on growth opportunities. Cost leadership predominates in this group of companies, characterized by cost and process control, investment in market research, sales incentive systems, strategic suppliers, and investment in suitable technology. The lack of relationship between variables suggests the influence of other internal or external factors on business competitiveness.


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Author Biographies

Juanita del Carmen García Aguilar, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE.

D. in Management Sciences, International Master in Business Administration, and Commercial Engineer. I have worked at Banco de Fomento for 13 years in the area of Finance and Planning and Projects. Teacher - Researcher for 25 years, Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Quality and Productivity Management and Director of the Business Administration Career at the University of the Armed Forces ESPE. Advisor to the Ecuadorian Army and Joint Command in the Organizational Culture Project, as well as to the Colombian Army in its transformation process. Director and speaker of several research projects in the area of competence. I have made several scientific publications in different indexing categories.

Camila Estefanía Arauz Limaico, ESPE Armed Forces University

Graduated in Commerce from the University of the Armed Forces ESPE in Ecuador and is currently pursuing a master's degree in Business Intelligence and Decision Making at the University of La Rioja. Currently, he works as a business operations analyst at Boehringer Ingelheim, a German pharmaceutical laboratory. In his role, he is responsible for managing training and internal communication of the sales force, ensuring that the team is well prepared and aligned with the company's objectives. His academic training and work experience have provided him with solid skills in data analysis, strategic decision making and effective communication.

Alejandro Bayas Villamarín , Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE

Graduate in Commerce from the University of the Armed Forces – ESPE of Ecuador. Currently, he works as a Junior Commercial Account Executive in the company PByA Comercio Industrial, dedicated to the distribution of electrical material for the OilyGas sector and industrial sectors. In his position, he participates in various projects, being in charge of preparing, monitoring, negotiating and closing them positively. His academic training has been a primary factor in the development of his skills and abilities in the commercial field, which has strengthened his work experience, allowing him to comply with processes ethically.

Carlos Estrella, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE

Officer of the Ecuadorian Army, since 1992. Programming technologist, Graduate in Military Sciences, Geographical and Environmental Engineer, Master in Space Applications, MBA in Innovation. Earth and Outer Space Segment Specialist, Project Manager of the Disaster Charter, GNSS, Epidemiology and Military Organizational Culture. His professional life is framed in the field of Geospatial, Spectrum, Computational Development, and Future Architecture. He has participated in several scientific research projects, Antarctica, Satellite Activation, Weapons Systems, and Command-Control. He has several scientific publications, intellectual properties, co-editor of Atlas and editor of GyG Magazine. Director of several undergraduate, postgraduate and specialty theses. Currently he articulates the Research as part of the Military Transformation.

Lenin Ballesteros, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE

45-year-old Ecuadorian resident in Quito. Economist from the Central University of Ecuador. Master in Business Administration from the Israel Technological University in agreement with the Business University of Uruguay. Graduated from the doctoral program in Administration at the National University of Rosario Argentina. University teacher in several public and private universities in Quito for more than 10 years, in subjects in the field of administration and economics. Experience as academic coordinator, career director. Participant in several research projects and development of university programs and careers. Since 2015, full-time research professor at the University of the Armed Forces ESPE.

Anabella Sampedro, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE

Student in the fifth semester of the Business Administration degree at the University of the Armed Forces ESPE. During my academic training, I have had the opportunity to develop as a teaching assistant. I graduated from the Victoria Vásconez Cuvi International Baccalaureate School, where I acquired a solid academic foundation and developed skills in research, critical analysis and teamwork. My experience in academia, combined with my active participation in university projects and my commitment to excellence, has prepared me to face the challenges of the business world with a comprehensive perspective and a strong work ethic.


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How to Cite

García Aguilar, J. del C., Arauz Limaico, C. E., Bayas Villamarín , A., Estrella Paredes, C. M., Ballesteros Trujillo , L. A., & Sampedro Zapata, A. G. (2024). Working Capital Financing and Competitiveness: A Study of SMEs in the Metropolitan District of Quito, Ecuador. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–20.



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